tube shield

[tub ʃild][tju:b ʃi:ld]


  • It is indicated that the net thermal radiation loss from the outer surface of BASE tube may be less than 1W / cm ~ 2 if the structure of AMTEC is reasonable and several layers of thermal shield are fixed around the BASE tube .

    结果表明,恰当设计AMTEC装置的结构,并在BASE管外加数层遮热 ,可使BASE 外单位电极表面的净热辐射损失在其工作温度范围内控制在1W/cm2以下。

  • Based upon the shield construction practice in the portal section of South Tube of Yanan Donglu Tunnel this paper demonstrates the technology for slurry balance shield passing through freezing zone .

    本文以上海延安东路隧道 南线盾构进洞段工程施工为背景,论述了泥水平衡 盾构穿越冻结加固区的施工技术。

  • In order to reduce the geomagnetic effect on the color picture tube and improve the image quality of the color picture tube a kind of equipment that can practicably and effectively shield geomagnetic field is put forward in this paper .

    为减小地磁场对彩色显像管的影响,提高彩色显像 质量,本文提出了一种实用有效 屏蔽地磁场的装置。

  • From the principles of momentum a calculation equation has been derived for the sunken boat load on underwater sunk tube tunnel or shield driving tunnel .

    从动量原理出发导出水底 沉管隧道和 盾构隧道的沉船荷载计算公式;

  • The construction of the new segregating tube with small teeth mounted on its inside surface is able to shield properly the winding of low speed motors and stepping motors .

    本文提出的将小齿置于内腔的隔 结构型式能妥善地解决低速电机及步进电机的绕组 屏蔽

  • The optimization of instrument analysis parameters such as lamp current negative high voltage photomultiplier tube atomizer height carrier gas and shield gas flow rate which impacts on the determination were performed .

    通过对仪器的分析参数进行优化,确定了对测定有影响的灯电流、光电倍增 负高压、原子化器高度、载气和 屏蔽气流速在测定硒和砷、镉和汞时的最佳值。