


  • Water insoluble tea protein is rich in amino acid but indispensable amino acid ( methionine and tryptophane ) were not detected .

    非水溶性茶叶蛋白的氨基酸组成比较丰富,但在必需氨基酸中蛋氨酸和 未检测出,为 第一 限制氨基酸

  • The proteins of all the seven plants contained 17 common amino acids ( tryptophane was not measured ) including 9 essential amino acids for fish .

    七种水生植物的蛋白质均含有常见 十七种氨基酸,包括鱼体必需氨基酸九种和非必需氨基酸 种。

  • The result indicated that when the tryptophane residue of ACPase and sulfhydryl group and disulfide link of cysteine residue were modified the related activity of the enzyme was decreased and its fluorescence emission peak intensity was reduced ;

    结果表明: 半胱氨酸残基的巯基和二硫键被修饰后,酶活力下降且荧光强度减少; 残基被修饰后酶活力降低,荧光强度减小;

  • TGA encodes tryptophane and not the terminate code ; The Codon Usage in Oncogene Sequences

    TGA不再是终止密码子 X而编码 W。癌基因中的密码子使用

  • A Study of Nonlinear Fraction Frequency Fluorescence Spectra for Tryptophane


  • Study on the Derivative Fluorescence Spectra on Tyrosine and Tryptophane

    酪氨酸和 的导数荧光光谱的研究

  • Studies on papain III. histidine and tryptophane residues as essential groups

    木瓜蛋白酶的研究&Ⅲ.组氨酸及 残基为木瓜蛋白酶 表现 催化 活性的必需基团

  • This paper describes the measurement of tryptophane with synchronized scan fluorescent spectroscopy in maize wheat and pollen .

    用同步荧光法测定了玉米、小麦、花粉 样品

  • A Study on the Radiation Damage of Cytosine and the protective Action of Tryptophane and Tyrosine

    胞嘧啶辐射损伤和 、酪氨酸保护作用的研究

  • Studies on enzymic synthesis of oligopeptides ⅰ . synthesis of tryptophane analogue of leu-enkephalin

    酶促合成肽的研究&Ⅰ.亮-脑啡肽 类似物的酶促合成

  • We have studied the optical properties of three kinds of aromatic amino acids including tyrosine tryptophane and phenylalanine using THz time domain spectroscopy between 0.2 and 1.6 THz .

    利用太赫兹时域光谱研究了三种芳香族氨基酸,即酪氨酸、 和苯丙氨酸,在0.2&1.6THz波段的光学特性,得到了 对应的吸收谱。

  • In detail the content of Alanine Glutamic acid Lysine and Threonine was large and no tryptophane cysteine Glutamine Histidine Isoleucine Phenylalanine and Proline residues were present in the protein .

    具体地说,丙氨酸(17.35%)、谷氨酸(15.70%)、赖氨酸 20.66% 和苏氨酸 10.74%)的含量较多,而 、半胱氨酸、谷氨酰胺、组氨酸、异亮氨酸、苯丙氨酸和脯氨酸则不存在。

  • The second derivative fluorescence spectra on tyrosine and tryptophane have been investigated .

    本文研究了酪氨酸和 的二阶导数荧光光谱,拟订了酪氨酸和 同时 测定的导数荧光法。

  • The results showed that the adsorbents with phenylalanine or tryptophane ligand obtained high adsorption percentage for rheumatoid factors ( RFs ) .

    结果表明以苯丙氨酸(Phe)或 (Trp)为配基的吸附剂对类风湿因子有较高的 清除率,是较好的配基;

  • The contents of eighteen amino acids ranged between 13.33 ~ 18.41 g / 100 g by dry weight and aspartic and tryptophane glutamate showed a higher content among the amino acids .

    18种氨基酸总含量在13.33~18.41g/100g干重之间,其中天冬氨酸、 和谷氨酸含量较高。

  • As the absence of tryptophane and lysine zein has lower nutritive value for food .

    由于玉米蛋白缺乏赖氨酸和 必需 氨基酸因此其营养价值不高。

  • Tryptophane also appears to be useful in easing pain .


  • The π stacking interactions between near tryptophane molecule 's side chains are responsible for the formation of these two kinds of structures .

    这2种 有序结构的形成原因被 认为 相邻 分子侧链之间的π堆积相互作用有关。

  • Flow Injection Electrochemiluminescence Method for Determination of Tryptophane


  • The Bx system is responsible for the gene locus for its biosynthesis that is similar to the pathway of tryptophane production .

    的合成基因位点存在于Bx系统,其生物合成机制与 相似。

  • The optimum ratios of lysine : sulfur amino acids ( methionine and cystine ): threonine : tryptophane in the diets kept consisted of corn soybean meal and peanut meal were 100:65:65:20 as total amino acids for 5 ~ 20kg body weight piglets .

    以玉米、豆粕、花生粕为主要原料的5~20kg体重仔猪日粮,适宜的必需氨基酸比例(总氨基酸为基础)估计为:赖/含硫/苏/ 100:65:65:20

  • Study on the Electrochemical Behaviour of Eu (ⅲ)? Tryptophane ? Imidazole Triple Complex

    铕(Ⅲ)- -咪唑三元配合物的电化学行为研究

  • The model revealed that three highly conserved tryptophane resides were located at the same flat surface .

    模型显示,该 家族 CBM具有三个处于同一相对平坦平面上的高度保守的

  • Adsorption of Tryptophane on Graphite Investigated by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
