tube seam

[tub sim][tju:b si:m]


  • Stainless steel seamless tube / pipe is a kind of long rolled steel products which have hollow section and the peripheral have no seam .

    无缝 钢管即是一种具有中空截面、边没有 接缝的长条钢材。

  • A machine vision approach to welding tube longitudinal seam tracking in real time

    焊管实时 焊缝跟踪的机器视觉方法

  • Cold - formed rectangular tube - steel column for architecture structure is formed by roll cold - winding forming process and HF longitudinal seam weld .

    建筑结构用冷弯矩形 钢管是采用冷轧或热轧钢带,经连续辊式冷弯及高频 直缝焊接生产形成的矩形 钢管

  • Laser Welding of Tube & tube plate Angle Welding Seam

    管子& 板角 焊缝的激光焊接

  • Study on Identification of Steel Tube Weld Seam Damages based on Wavelet Transformation

    基于小波变换的 钢管 焊缝损伤识别的探讨

  • Compared to the use of the sample tube and weld seam ring for specific experimental studies has been the best detection process parameters and the parameters of the implementation of ring the ultrasonic immersion C-Scan detection was satisfied with the results .

    利用对比试样对环形 焊缝 形焊缝进行了具体实验研究,得到了最佳检测工艺参数,并在此参数下对齿圈实施了超声波水浸C扫描检测,获得了满意的结果。

  • An Approach to Effective Checking Range of Elliptic Imaging on Small Diameter Tube Weld Seam

    提高小径 焊缝椭圆成像有效检出范围的途径

  • A metallic bellows is made from a thin seamless tube . When pattern pieces are laid out on plaids or stripes they must be matched at the seam line and corresponding crossmarks .

    金属波纹管是由薄壁无缝 制成的。在格子布或条纹布上排料时, 缝线必须对格对条。

  • A small diameter tube weld seam is inspected with X ray elliptic imaging finding that inspection range is enlarged due to the variation of its wall thickness

    小径 焊缝在X射线一次椭圆透照中,由于壁厚变化较大,检出范围较小,该文提出了一些技术措施,使检出范围有所扩大

  • The conclusion is by using active flux the structure of austenitic steel tube weld seam and heat affected zone is improved distinctly and grains are refined ;

    结果表明,活性焊剂的加入使奥氏体 钢管 焊缝及热影响区的组织明显改善,晶粒细化;

  • Longitudinal Wave Oblique Incidence Probe to Detect High Pressure Seamless Tube Analysis and technological measures for longwall topple mining process at the big inclined angle seam

    纵波斜射探头检测厚壁高压无缝 钢管大倾角 煤层倾斜长壁仰斜开采工艺分析及技术措施