tunnel furnace

[ˈtʌnəl ˈfɚnɪs][ˈtʌnəl ˈfə:nis]


  • Rotary de-scaling upstream of the tunnel furnace aims at the removal of heterogeneously distributed scale as well as residuals of casting slag .

    隧道 上方的旋转除锈器目的是为了清除不均匀分布的锈斑和残留的铸造渣。

  • The conveying device is a rolling track conveyor that is penetrated through the tunnel furnace .

    输送设备为穿过 隧道 窑炉的滚道输送机;

  • This article analysed the situation of jammed leant tunnel of the coke furnace and introduced the work theory of air-blowing method as well as practic al application in the manufacturing process .

    分析 焦炉 斜道堵塞的现状,介绍空吹法的工作原理以及在生产中的实践应用。

  • Mathematical Modelling of Cold Flow Field of Horizontal Tunnel in Corner - Fired Boiler Furnace

    四角燃烧 锅炉水平 烟道的冷态流场的数值模拟

  • In this paper a method of making ρ Al_2O_3 by rapidly decomposing boehmite is studied . The best passing time ( in the tunnel furnace )、 the best decomposing temperature and the material feeding speed are investigated .

    研究了以勃姆石为原料快速分解制取ρ &Al2O3的方法,探讨了原料在 中停留时间、最佳分解温度及加料速度。

  • A Temperature Measurement System for an Electric-heated Tunnel Furnace

    电加热 隧道 温度检测

  • Application of Emulsified Heavy Oil in Ceramics Tunnel Furnace

    乳化重油在陶瓷 隧道 中的应用

  • Buffer time of tunnel furnace is the key process in thin slab continuous casting and rolling ( TSCR ) line .

    在薄板坯连铸连轧生产线中, 加热 的缓冲能力有时成为制约生产的关键。

  • The coal consumptions of various coal-based direct reduction processes such as rotary kiln process tunnel kiln process rotary hearth funace process and COF continuous furnace process are compared and analysed .

    对几种煤基直接还原法(回转窑法、 隧道窑法、环形转底炉法和连续 法)的燃耗进行了对比和分析。

  • Software Design of Microcomputer Control System for Continuous Tunnel Electric Furnace

    隧道 电炉 微机控制系统的软件设计

  • The control system for tunnel furnace is developed . The system is composed of industrial computer signal collecting module etc and adopts dual mode control and fuzzy control methods .

    研制了由工业控制计算机、信号采集卡等组成的 隧道 控制系统,其采用双模控制、模糊PID等控制方法。

  • Manufacture of Combustion Wind Tunnel and Research on Combustibles Combustion characteristic The Research and Application of Fire Test Furnace for Building Elements

    燃烧 风洞的研制及其燃烧特性研究建筑构件耐火性能试验 的研制与应用

  • The design aspect of the improved tunnel furnace for making DRI in China

    我国改进型DRI 隧道 的设计研究

  • The application of intelligent control technology in control model of furnace temperature temperature setting of firing tunnel in coking furnace soft measurement model of coking pie pressure control of main returning gas pipeline and pressure control of gas header is expounded .

    论述了智能控制技术在炉温控制模型、焦炉火 温度设定、焦饼温度软测量模型、 回炉煤气主管压力控制、集气管压力控制中的应用。

  • Practical twin channel gas firing and light body tunnel kiln is a type of continuous gas firing furnace whose twin channel are overlaid up and down . The bottom kiln channel is designed with open flame and the top channel is a semi-muffle pusher kiln .

    实用双窑道燃气节能轻体 隧道窑属于一种连续式燃气 窑炉,窑炉上下两窑道重叠,下窑道为明焰窑车式,上通道为半马弗推板窑。

  • Experimental Study of COM Combustion Process in the Tunnel Furnace

    COM在 炉膛中燃烧过程的试验研究

  • The experimental study on temperature curve of REBAKING electrodes in tunnel furnace

    电极 隧道 二次焙烧温度曲线的实验研究

  • Rotary de-scaling downstream of the tunnel furnace may be considered as an alternative to the conventional high-pressure de-scalers with stationary headers located in front of the hot rolling mill .

    位于 隧道 下方的旋转除锈器被认为替代了传统高压除锈器,这种除锈器在热轧机前方安装一个固定的喷头。

  • In addition the paper indicates the advantages of this technology and prominent effects using in tunnel quench furnace .

    还进一步阐述了该技术的优越性及运用在 隧道式淬火 上取得的显著效果。

  • Swivel ferry control of CSP tunnel furnace

    CSP 加热 的弧形摆渡控制

  • Discussion on Improving the Buffer Time of Tunnel Furnace in TSCR Line

    提高TSCR生产线辊底 加热 缓冲时间的探讨

  • The Automatic Feeding System of the Double - Hole Tunnel Furnace

    双孔 隧道 自动送进控制系统

  • A general description about character of CSP tunnel furnace is introduced .

    介绍了CSP 加热 的概况及特性。

  • The Flow Numeric Simulation of Different Wind Tunnel Structure in Vacuum High-pressure Gas Quenching Furnace

    真空高压气淬 设备不同 风道流动型式的数值模拟

  • 《 WCY feeding cycle error recorder for the tunnel furnace 》 is designed according to the features of domestic industrial tunnel furnace s.

    根据目前国内工业隧道窑的特点,设计了WCY 隧道 进车周期误差记录仪。