tunnel slot

[ˈtʌnəl slɑt][ˈtʌnəl slɔt]


  • Xiamen east channels is the first seabed tunnel in our country insuring the seawater out of the tunnel is the keystone and the difficulty of construction especially crossing the deep weathering slot safely is one of the key of success or failure of the tunnel 's construction .

    厦门东通道(翔安隧道)是我国第一座海底隧道,确保海水不进入 隧道是工程施工的重点,也是难点,特别是安全穿越海底风化深 ,是此隧道成败的关键之一。

  • The analysis shows that the section model wind tunnel test based on the Crossed Slot System is practicable for aerodynamic force measurement of the vehicle-bridge system and the effect of aerodynamic interaction between vehicle and bridge on the aerodynamic force of the vehicle-bridge system is notable .

    试验结果表明,基于交叉 滑槽系统的节段模型 风洞试验测试是可行的;车桥间的相互气动作用对车辆和桥梁的气动力有较明显的影响。

  • The programme of front benching pilot tunnel divisional and laminated skewed slot construction was created .

    独创了“正台阶导 分部分层斜 施工方案”,该方案具有良好的推广应用价值。

  • The Wind Tunnel Experiment for Slot Antenna and Mechanical Design of the Antenna Pedestal

    港口雷达 裂缝天线的 风洞试验及其天线座传动机械设计

  • Tunnel Drying Slot Controlled by Microcomputer

    微机控制 隧道