


  • Simulation and Analysis in the Rock Breaking Process of Disk Cutter on Tunneler


  • According to forces applying on the disk-shaped cutters of whole-section tunneler cutter arrangement rules are established with even loading on the disk and null traverse load .

    根据全断面岩石 掘进 盘形滚刀工作时的受力,建立了刀盘受力均匀且横向载荷为零的盘刀布置规律。

  • Proportional Control for Whole Section Tunneler

    全断面 掘进 的比例控制

  • The Necessity to Develop China 's Tunneler Industry

    关于发展我国 隧道 掘进 产业的必要性和 建议

  • The paper introduces developed semi-metal resin-based friction material that replaces asbestos friction material researches its friction properties and makes trial test on imported tunneler .

    介绍了所研制的半金属树脂基摩擦材料替代石棉摩擦材料,对其摩擦学等性能进行了研究并在进口 掘进 上进行了试用。

  • Taking the shield tunneler as background design of hydraulic cylinders determination of sectioning selection of cylinder displacement sensors in the structure design of its hydraulic propelling system are expatiated with emphasis on the structural layout mode of propelling cylinders .

    以盾构 掘进 为背景,阐述了其液压推进系统结构设计中的液压缸设计、 分区确定和液压缸位移传感器的选取,着重分析了推进液压缸的结构布置方式。

  • Design principle of hydraulic system on whole section tunneler and the application of proportional technique are introduced in this article starting from a typical system .

    本文从一个典型系统人手,介绍全断面 隧道 掘进 液压系统的设计原则和比例技术的应用。

  • An investigation in the cutter arrangement rules for tunneler disk

    掘进 刀盘 上盘刀布置规律的探讨

  • The application prospective of whole - section rock tunneler

    全断面岩石 掘进 的应用前景

  • Study to Dispatch Optimization for Muck Removal Train that Matches Full Face Tunneler

    全断面 隧洞 掘进 配套 渣列车优化调度的研究

  • The movement of whole-section tunneler is composed of forward movement of tunneler body pushed by the crowd cylinder and rotational movement of disk-cutter driven by the rotating motor .

    全断面 掘进 工作时的运动主要由推进液压缸推动机身的前进运动和旋转电机带动刀盘的转动组成。

  • The displacement equation of a point on the disk cutter of a full-section rock tunneler has been created and its apPlication is investigated .

    建立了全断面岩石 掘进 盘形滚刀刃上一点的位移方程,并探讨了其应用。

  • The arrangement principle and determination of structure dimensions of the operator 's seat on tunneler are studied by applying ergonomical theory and approaches .

    本文利用人机工程学的理论和方法,研究了 掘进 司机座椅的布置原则和结构尺寸的确定方法。

  • Arrangement and Design of Operator 's Seat on Tunneler


  • An New Kind of Dial Guard Rock Shield Tunneler ( DS-TBM )

    一种新型通用的双护盾岩石 掘进 (DS-TBM)

  • The dual guard shield tunneler is suitable for digging hard rock soft rock and terrane with somewhat complicate geological conditions .

    双护盾 岩石 掘进 适用于硬岩、软岩以及地质条件较为复杂岩层的掘进。

  • This will provide a basis for the increase of the large bearing of the disk cutter and reduction of vibration and noise of the tunneler during operation .

    这将为刀盘大轴承 寿命的提高、 掘进 工作时振动及噪声的降低,提供 可靠的理论依据。