tunnel voltage


  • Wind Tunnel Simulation of Effect of Sandstorm on Electrical Wire Voltage

    扬沙和沙尘暴对导线 电位影响的 风洞模拟实验

  • The system can be widely used in road and tunnel lighting building lighting and other fields as well as a variety of energy-saving control dimming voltage based intelligent control areas .

    本系统可广泛应用于道路与 隧道照明、楼宇照明等节能控制领域以及以各种调光调 为基础的智能控制领域。

  • The results show that the pollution discharge effect at the exit of the sewage achieves the best result under simple piston wind tunnel and the jet fans works efficiently on the voltage regulation for natural ventilation .

    结果表明:在单纯活塞风作用下在 距离 隧道出口处的通风口排污效果最好,射流风机能够很好的为自然通风口实现调

  • Tunnel etching technology is economic and effective method for making high capacitance anode foil for medium / high voltage electrolytic capacitor .

    隧道型腐蚀扩面技术是制造高比容中 高压阳极箔的最经济、最有效的方法。

  • It has solved the problem of system disturbance in medium-long tunnel with over-length controlling cable multiple core miscellaneous cables large leaking current caused by induction voltage and various interference source .

    中长 隧道因控制电缆过长,电缆芯数多,控制电缆又多,感应 电压引起泄漏电流过大, 隧道 各种干扰源多的特点,对监控系统的干扰问题得到彻底解决。

  • For the tunnel diode parallel amplifier quiescent operation point circuit specification and offset voltage are studied .

    介绍了 隧道二极管的特性,研究了 隧道二极管并联放大器的静态特性,主要性能指标和 偏置要求。

  • The electric performance of the single-electron devices under the influence of such structural parameters as the tunnel junction capacitance and resistance and the working parameters such as magnitude of voltage pulse and temperature have bene investigated .

    详细考察了 隧道结电阻、电容以及器件结构布局等结构参数和 电源 电压、温度等工作参数对单电子器件电学性能的影响。

  • It simulates the propagation of electrons through a network consisting of small tunnel junctions capacitors and ideal voltage sources .

    该程序可模拟电子通过包含小 隧道结、电容和理想 电压源的电路的输运过程。

  • Compared with common multi-layer film of metal the Magnetic Tunnel Junction structure formed of the ferromagnetic layer / insulating barrier / the ferromagnetic layer have the characteristic of the high hinder low consumption high output voltage which has the extensive application prospect .

    与通常的金属多层膜相比,铁磁层/绝缘层/铁磁层结构的磁性 隧道结结构具有高内阻、低功耗、输出 电压高的特点,其具有广泛的应用前景。