tunica adventitia

[ˈtunɪkə ˌædvɛnˈtɪʃə][ˈtju:nikə ˌædvenˈtiʃjə]


  • The NPY-IR nerve cell bodies were oval-shaped spindle-shaped or triangular-shaped 10-20 β m in diameter located in the tunica adventitia of coronary tunica media of coronary artery and lateral tissues of tunica adventitia of coronary artery .

    NPY样神经细胞体呈椭圆形、梭形或三角形,胞体直径10~20μm,分布于冠状动脉的 外膜、中 及冠状动脉外膜外组织中。

  • We observed that the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide ( VIP ) - like the somatostatin ( SOM ) - like and the substance-P ( SP ) - like immunoreactive nerve fibers appeared in the tunica adventitia of the basilar artery .

    于光镜下观察到基底动脉 外膜中存在血管活性肠肽(VIP)样、P物质(SP)样和生长抑素(SOM)样免疫反应阳性神经纤维。

  • The wall of digestive tube was composed of mucous membrane thin submucosa tunica muscularis and tunica adventitia but duodenal gland in duodenum was not found .

    消化壁一般分为4层,由内向外为粘膜、粘膜下层、肌层和 外膜,其中粘膜下层很薄,十二指肠粘膜下层无十二指肠腺。

  • These materials will result in some complication such as chronic inflammation local infection and tunica adventitia fibrosis if they are long-term in human body .

    人工材料的 支架长期 存留体内会出现慢性炎症、局部感染、 静脉 外膜纤维化等并发症。

  • Results Protein expression of 15-LO gradually enhanced in tunica adventitia of blood vessel in the heart by immunohistochemistry . 15-LO were stained brown in tunica adventitia and the expression of 15-LO increased as hypoxic time become longer in vivo .

    结果缺氧后通过免疫组织化学 可见15-LO蛋白质的表达增加,主要表达于心脏血管壁的 外膜层,呈褐色颗粒,并且表达程度与缺氧时间呈正相关。

  • Both artery and vein in submucosa were enclosed by adrenergic nerves that formed plexus between tunica adventitia tunica medium of the vessels .

    肾上腺素能神经在粘膜下层和肌 附小动脉 ,在动脉中 外膜之间形成丛。

  • NKB-immunoreactive fibers were demonstrated by immunohistochemistry in the following locations of the lower respiratory tract : 1 . within and beneath the lining epithelium smooth muscle layer and tunica adventitia of the trachea and bronchus ;

    免疫酶组织化学研究结果表明,NKB免疫反应神经纤维广泛分布于豚鼠下呼吸道各部:1.气管和支气管的上皮、平滑肌和 外膜

  • The result of the second section suggested that : ? The pulmonary vein walls of dogs were composed of 3 layers : the tunica intima tunica media and tunica adventitia .

    结果显示:①肺静脉壁的结构分为三层,即内膜层,中间 外膜

  • The tunica adventitia of the big veins was very thick and was comprised of abundant smooth muscular bundles collagen and elastic fibers .

    大静脉的 内膜 平滑肌 构成外膜则很厚,由大量平滑肌束及胶原纤维、弹性纤维构成。

  • With the development of embryos the walls of other blood vessels except capillaries develop into three strata : tunica intima tunica media and tunica adventitia .

    随着胚胎的发育,除毛细血管外,其它血管壁形成分层结构,形成内膜、中膜、 外膜

  • Inadequate cell nutrition around vessels causes degeneration of tunica adventitia .

    血管周围细胞的营养不足,引起 外膜的变性。

  • The thickness of the internal elastic membrane tunica media and tunica adventitia and the diameter of the vessel increased with the increase of fetal age .

    内弹性膜、中膜、 外膜的厚度及管径均随胎龄而增加。

  • As a whole strong positive cells were mostly observed in the tunica mucosa and adventitia and positive material was observed on the dissociative side of tunica mucosa . Tunica submucosa showed weak positive reaction .

    总体来看,强阳性细胞多分布于 粘膜层和 外膜,粘膜层游离端有强阳性物质分布,粘膜下层多呈弱阳性反应。

  • Lamina propria and muscularis mucosae have not yet invaginate in the epithelial lining which forms the fold or villus . Tunica adventitia contains many blood vessels .

    可见大量处于分裂期的黏膜上皮细胞,堆积形成很厚的粘膜层,此时固有膜和黏膜肌层尚未凸起进入黏膜上皮形成皱襞或者绒毛, 外膜中形成了很多血管。