tuning circuit

[电] 调谐电路

  • A Remote Control and Sweep Tuning Circuit for Colour TV Set

    一种彩电遥控与扫频 调谐 电路

  • F as control . A Remote Control and Sweep Tuning Circuit for Colour TV Set

    F,对照组。一种彩电遥控与扫频 调谐 电路

  • The measured VCO tuning range was from 18.2 MHz to 24.3 MHz for a range of 28.7 % while the automatic amplitude control circuit ensures that the VCO amplitude only varies by 8.7 % .

    测试结果表明:压控振荡器的 调频范围为18.2MHz~24.3MHz,达到了28.7%,自动振幅控制 电路保证压控振荡器的振幅变化仅为8.7%。

  • The analytical expression of tuning bandwidth and the design of oscillator circuit are given .

    给出了 调谐带宽的解析表达式和振荡器 电路的设计。

  • Including Bond Wire and Pad effects both detailed performances have also been proposed with NF deterioration to 3.21/3.23 dB but S parameters change a little after tuning and optimization finally the circuit turns out to have outstanding performances .

    完全考虑BondWire和Pad效应的性能参数也已经给出,但噪声系数恶化为3.21/3.23dB,S参数在 电路 调整优化之后变化不大,整体性能比较突出。

  • The wien bridge trap filter and its application in the distortion measurement are introduced the kind of intelligent numerical control tuning Wien bridge trap filter circuit is proposed .

    介绍文氏电桥陷波器及其在失真度测量中的应用,提出一种智能化数控 调谐的文氏电桥陷波 电路

  • Experimental results show that the fluctuation of tuned substrate self-bias was determined by discharge gas pressure discharge power and tuning circuit parameters etc.

    实验结果表明这种射频基片偏压振荡现象与等离子体放电参数以及 调谐 电路参数等多种因素密切相联系。

  • Experimentally a linear tuning filter 's set including a finished product narrowband thin-film interference filter and control circuit of stepping motor has been designed .

    在实验方面,选用一个成品窄带滤光片,设计步进电机控制 电路,实现了一个线性 调谐 滤波器装置。

  • It summarizes the tuning process of the PMAC feedback motor control system has designed and analyzed the outer circuits including the I / O and no feedback control circuit .

    总结了PMAC伺服控制电机系统的 调试,并对外围接口电路包括输入输出接口、开环控制 电路进行了分析和扩充设计。

  • In this section the effect of the OTA non-ideality on the copy precision between the master and slave filter and the frequency automatic tuning circuit are discussed .

    在自适应模块的设计部分,本文着重讨论了跨导放大器的非理想性对 频率 自适应 电路中主从滤波器之间匹配精度的影响以及其对滤波器频率自适应精度的影响。

  • A novel self-tuning scheme is proposed in which a wide tuning range is realized by digital and analog tuning circuit to reduce VCO gain .

    提出了一种用数字和模拟 电路的方法实现宽 调谐范围,减小VCO增益的方案。

  • Based PLC for frequency auto - tuning system of accelerator radio D circuit

    基于PLC的加速器高频D 电路频率自动 调谐系统

  • A brief account of the principle for high frequency electronic tuning with ferrites used in a tuning circuit of frequency 2MHz ~ 45MHz and of power capacity 30 watts and the preparation of the ferrite for this purpose are giver in this paper .

    本文叙述研究出来的一种适用于功容三十瓦、 2MHz-45MHz的整机的高频铁氧体电子 调谐原理,及其相应采用的新型铁氧体。

  • Test results show that the device has a phase noise of-126 dBc / Hz @ 1 MHz offset . The VCO has a tuning range of 9 % and its core circuit dissipates less than 8 mW of power .

    测试结果表明,VCO的相位噪声在偏离中心频率1MHz时达到-126dBc/Hz, 调谐范围达到9%,VCO核心 电路功耗小于8mW。

  • Monolithic microcomputer digital tuning circuit

    单片机数字 调谐 电路

  • Simulation proves that this analysis result is right . Also a rail-to-rail fully differential buffer is used to drive large differential signals in tuning circuit .

    为了解决大幅度差分信号的驱动问题,使用了一种 rail-to-rail双端全差分buffer(注:双端全差分buffer 结构非作者提出)。

  • After researching the types of active filter Gm cell operational amplifier automatic tuning circuit Gm-C filter and Active-RC filter are presented .

    在分析了有源滤波器的类型、跨导单元、运算放大器和 自适应 电路后,给出了跨导电容(Gm-C)滤波器和有源电阻电容(Active-RC)滤波器两种基带滤波器的设计。

  • On the basis of the principle of electronically tuning fundamental frequency and extracting second harmonic this paper proposes a circuit model for wideband series varactor tuned harmonic oscillators .

    依据电 基频、提取谐波的构想,建立了串联型宽带变容管电调谐波振荡器的 电路模型。

  • The digital tuning scheme divides a wide tuning range into many smaller bands and self-tuning circuit is used to assign proper subband for a given channel frequency so that PLL can be locked to proper frequency when combined with analog tuning circuit .

    该方案将宽调谐范围分成一系列相互重叠的子带,用数字调谐 电路来设置安排正确的子带频率,结合模拟 调谐,锁相环(PLL)能锁定到正确的频率值。

  • To avoid variance of technology and enviorment effects on cut-off frequency this filter used an on-chip tuning circuit based on PLL .

    为了消除工艺偏差、温度变化、老化对截止频率的影响,滤波器电路使用了片上锁相环 调谐 电路

  • Through setting a LC tuning circuit in the probe the probe tip sheath RF voltage is reduced .

    通过给探针添加LC 调谐 电路,减小了探针尖鞘层射频压降的干扰,得到可以由简单理论处理的I-V 特性 曲线

  • A fifth-order elliptic low-pass Gm-C filter used in monolithic DAB receiver is presented . The filter integrates an on-chip frequency automatic tuning circuit based on PLL to control the cutoff frequency .

    本文实现了一个应用于全集成L带DAB接收机的5阶Gm-C椭圆低通滤波器,该滤波器上集成了基于锁相环的片上频率自动 调谐 电路,使得该滤波器的截止频率可以准确控制在4MHz。

  • The system supplies analog current to the accelerator 's tuning circuit which is proportional to the input voltage .

    系统为加速器 调整 电路提供一个正比于输入电压的电流。

  • While adopting the accumulator the PIC is considered as the system kernel . The relative function circuits have been designed and the system has generating and tuning functions of power frequency experiment voltage accurate timing circuit as well as perfect and reliable protection function .

    采用蓄电池供电时,系统以PIC单片机为核心,设计了相关的各个功能电路,使系统具有工频试验电压的产生与 功能,满足试验标准的测量单元,定时 电路准确,保护环节完善可靠。

  • The control voltage is stable which is the output of the PLL-based tuning circuit . The frequency of the filter is correct .

    芯片测试时,滤波器 自适应 电路能输出恒定的控制电压,滤波器频率特性正确。