turbine rotor

[ˈtɚbɪn ˈrotɚ][ˈtə:bin ˈrəʊtə]


  • Study on the Influence of Age and Stress Relaxation on Creep-fatigue Interaction Life of Steam Turbine Rotor Steel

    老化和应力松弛对 汽轮机 转子钢蠕变疲劳交互作用寿命影响的研究

  • Analysing and Treating Friction Losses on Parts of the Second-Row Shroud-Ring in the Curtis Stage of a Turbine Rotor

    汽轮机 转子复速级第二列围带局部磨损分析及处理

  • State Simulation and Fault Diagnosis of Steam Turbine Rotor 's Temperature Field

    汽轮机 转子温度场的状态仿真及其故障诊断

  • A study of creep fracture for a steam turbine rotor material is presented in this paper .

    本文对 汽轮机 转子材料进行了蠕变断裂的试验研究。

  • This paper takes a type gas turbine rotor as an example to analyze its natural frequency and modal shape .

    介绍了某型燃气 轮机 转子模态试验,试验测得 转子静态固有频率和模态振型。

  • Simulation Analysis of Vibration Characteristic of Steam Turbine Rotor under Fault Condition

    汽轮机 转子故障状态下的振动仿真分析

  • Research on Wind Turbine Rotor Turnover Equipment and Installation Technology

    海上风 叶轮翻转机具及安装工艺的研究

  • Vibration Analysis of Turbine Rotor System under Alford and Oil-film Forces

    汽流和油膜作用下的 汽轮机 转子振动特性研究

  • Application of Immune Algorithm in the Low-cycle Fatigue Crack Growth Rate of Steam Turbine Rotor

    免疫算法在 汽轮机 转子低周疲劳裂纹扩展速率中的应用

  • Main Design Parameters of Wind Turbine Rotor

    风力 发电 机组 的主要设计参数探讨

  • Cause Analysis of Turbine Rotor 's Shaft Neck Damage and the Repair

    汽轮机 转子轴颈损伤原因分析及修复措施

  • Diagnosis and Disposal of Vibration Fault Caused by Oil Entering Steam Turbine Rotor Center Bore

    一起 汽轮机 转子中心孔进油的振动故障诊断与处理

  • Discussion on Maintenance Technology of Center Hole of 300 MW Steam Turbine Rotor

    300MW 汽轮机 转子中心孔检修工艺探讨

  • Flow Characteristics of the Radial Inflow Turbine Rotor of a Micro Gas Turbine A TURBO-REVERSE BRAYTON AIR REFRIGERATOR WITH FOIL GAS JOURNAL BEARINGS

    微型燃气轮机向心 透平内部流动分析使用箔片径向气体轴承的透平逆布雷顿循环空气制冷机

  • Study on Numerical Model for Welding Process of Steam Turbine Rotor Based on Three-Dimensional Finite Element Method

    汽轮机 转子焊接的三维有限元数值模型研究

  • Strength and Reliability Analysis of Connecting Components of a Turbine Rotor

    汽轮机 转子连接件强度及可靠性分析

  • The coupling vibration behaviors of a particular turbine rotor have been analyzed .

    本文分析研究了 特型 涡轮 转子多重耦合振动系统的固有特性。

  • Analysis of Static Strength and Fatigue Reliability of High-Pressure Turbine Rotor System

    某高压 涡轮 转子系统静强度及疲劳可靠性分析

  • A commercial N-S solver has been employed for simulation and investigation of the unsteady flow field inside the tip clearance of a turbine rotor .

    商用NS求解器已经被用于 透平 叶顶部空隙的非定常流场的模拟和研究。

  • A dynamic strain gage is developed for dynamic stress test at900 ℃ of turbine rotor blades of an aeroengine .

    为了对某型航空发动机 涡轮 转子叶片在900℃温下进行动应力测试,研制了900℃态应变计。

  • For the design of a particular model of turbine rotor disc the MDO system for turbine disk and blade is built .

    针对某型号发动机 涡轮 转子盘片结构,设计开发了涡轮盘片多学科设计优化系统;

  • These methods are compared and the method based on blade element theory is selected in modeling of wind turbine rotor .

    通过对这两种方法的比较,选用基于叶素理论的方法建立了 模型

  • The Research on Low-cycle Fatigue Crack Growth Rate of Steam Turbine Rotor Steel Based on Immune-Genetic Algorithm

    基于免疫遗传算法的 汽轮机 转子钢低周疲劳裂纹扩展速率研究

  • Structural analysis and lamination optimum design of wind turbine rotor blade

    风力 叶片的结构分析与铺层优化设计

  • An engineering example of marine gas turbine rotor is applied to the verification of the provided model .

    文中给出了一个验证性 例和一个工程实例。

  • The strength and service life verification tests of a newly designed third stage turbine rotor and disc of Type A and Type A-1 engine

    甲型和甲-Ⅰ型发动机全新设计的第Ⅲ级 涡轮 转子涡轮盘强度与寿命考核试验圆盘平直涡轮 搅拌器

  • Modeling research on FM forging process of heavy low-pressure turbine rotor

    大型低压 转子FM法锻造工艺模拟研究

  • Turbine Rotor Vibration Fault Diagnosis Based on Wavelet Packet Analysis and Lyapunov Exponent

    基于小波包分析及Lyapunov指数的 汽轮机 转子振动故障诊断

  • It is pointed out that the turbine rotor bearing system design should be knowledge-based design .

    阐述了 汽轮 发动转子轴承系统的摩擦学设计应当是基于知识的设计。

  • Using potentiostatic pulse technique ( PPT ) the sensitization of steam turbine rotor stainless steel was detected in this paper .

    采用恒电位脉冲技术对 转子钢的敏化进行检测,并与传统的动电位阳极极化法进行了比较。