tuning probe


  • The assembly of tuning fork and optical fiber probe is used to perform the shear force distance control .

    粘接 音叉和光纤 探针的胶粘剂对由石英音叉和 光纤 探针构成剪切力控距体系的 品质因数有明显的影响。

  • This dissertation makes a study on the stability of the tuning fork vibration and the accuracy of the time difference detection of the confocal probe based on the time difference measurement .

    本文针对时间差法共焦 音叉振动稳定性与时间差检测准确性的问题进行了研究。

  • The main achievements of this research work ( listed chronologically ) are the following : 1 . The theoretical and finite element model of a novel tuning fork probe is analyzed .

    课题的研究内容和成果可归纳为以下几个方面:1.对新型 音叉探针进行理论建模和有限元分析。

  • The main work of the research includes the following aspects : 1 . The tuning fork probe working principle is explained by introducing the tuningfork probe structure characteristics .

    论文主要完成的工作包含以下几个方面:1.从 音叉 探针的结构特点入手解释其工作原理。

  • An AFM head based on the self-sensing tuning fork probe is developed .

    基于自感应 音叉探针开发原子力显微测头。

  • The Study on the Tuning Fork Vibration and the Time Difference Detection of the Confocal Probe

    共焦 音叉振动与时间差检测问题的研究

  • Through setting a LC tuning circuit in the probe the probe tip sheath RF voltage is reduced .

    通过给 探针添加LC 调谐电路,减小了探针尖鞘层射频压降的干扰,得到可以由简单理论处理的I-V 特性 曲线

  • We demonstrate that OB can be controlled by tuning the energy splitting between two tunnel-coupled electronic levels the intensity of the control field and the frequency detuning of the probe and control fields .

    证明了可以通过 调谐隧穿耦合的两电子能级间的能级分裂、控制场强度和频率失谐来控制光学双稳态,并 讨论了电子合作 参数对光学双稳态的影响。

  • For the tuning I have added an external powered DC motor the rotor speed is measured with a hall probe and an oscilloscope .

    ,我有一个补充,外部供电的直流电动机,转子速度是衡量一个霍尔 探针和示波器。