
[ˈtunɪs, ˈtju-][ˈtju:nis]


  • By the time curfew began the streets of Tunis were filled with fully-equipped soldiers and armored vehicles and every sort of military vehicle .

    已经到了宵禁的时间, 突尼斯已部署了大批全副武装的士兵和装甲车等各种军用车辆。

  • Pirates from Tunis threatened the ship there was a violent storm and the plant had to be tied down .

    突尼斯的海盗威胁着船只的安全,船遇上了猛烈的风暴, 咖啡树要被固定住才行。

  • The fund was agreed during a week-long meeting of the2004 International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture 's governing body in Tunis Tunisia this month ( 1 – 5 June ) .

    本月(6月1-5日)在 突尼斯 首都 突尼斯 举行的为期一周的《粮食和农业植物遗传资源国际条约》管理机构会议上同意了成立该基金。

  • On Friday the first day of national mourning protesters in Tunis welcomed police officers who joined them for the first time .

    上周五,全国哀悼的第一天,在 突尼斯 举行的示威者欢迎警察谁加入了他们的第一次。

  • Abu Dhabi ( 83 ) Cape Town ( 86 ) and Tunis ( 94 ) follow and are along with Victoria in the Seychelles ( 95 ) Johannesburg ( 96 ) and Muscat in Oman ( 100 ) the region 's only other cities in the top100 .

    阿布扎比(83),开普敦(86)和 突尼斯(94)跟随和是,随着维多利亚在塞舌尔(95),约翰内斯堡(96)和阿曼马斯喀特(100),该地区唯一的在顶部的其它城市100。

  • The authorities wouldn 't grant us permission to fly all the way down to San Francisco so I had to kick my heels at Tunis Airport .

    当局不允许我们直飞旧金山,所以我只好在 突尼斯机场不耐烦地等待。

  • Right now Malta to me still feels more like Jerusalem or Tunis than Berlin .

    马耳他给我的感觉是更像耶路撒冷或 突尼斯(不像柏林)。

  • More likely though the experts missed the imminent collapse in Tunis for the same reason that similar upheavals such as in Tehran and Moscow came as a surprise : radical political change is unpredictable .

    但更有可能的情况是,专家们未能预料到 突尼斯近在眼前的崩溃,与他们未预料到德黑兰和莫斯科的类似剧变,是出于同样的原因:根本性的政治变革是不可预测的。

  • The Tunis stock market index rose 19 per cent in 2010 its eighth straight positive year .

    2010年, 突尼斯股市指数上涨19%,这是该股指连续第八年上扬。

  • Those who took to the streets in Tunis and Cairo and those elsewhere who hope to emulate them are watching closely to see whether Europe matches words with deeds .


  • The Tunisian government has imposed a night-time curfew in the capital Tunis and surrounding regions .

    突尼斯政府对首都 突尼斯及其周边地区实行宵禁政策。

  • I am very optimistic said a western diplomat in Tunis .

    我特别乐观,一位驻 突尼斯 的西方外交官表示。

  • Arafat and his men had to be rescued by the Americans and escorted to exile in faraway Tunis .

    阿拉法特和他的人民不得不接受美国的援救,在其护送下流亡遥远的 突尼斯

  • Its name is derived from the capital Tunis located in the north-east .

    突尼斯 其坐落于国家北方的首都 突尼斯 而得名。

  • The next day 1st Army armoured cars drove unopposed into Tunis .

    次日,第一军的装甲车畅通无阻地驶进 突尼斯

  • Today Tunis went on general strike and everything is dead quiet outside our home possibly because we live quite far from the city center and presidential palace .

    今天是 突尼斯大罢工,我们家附近很是风平浪静,可能是离市区和总统府比较远的原因吧。

  • Tunis Plan of Action on Population and development in the Arab Maghreb

    阿拉伯马格里布人口与发展 突尼斯行动计划

  • The capital and largest city of Tunisia in the northern part of the country on the Gulf of Tunis an inlet of the Mediterranean Sea .

    突尼斯突尼斯的首都和第一大城市,位于该国的北部, 突尼斯-地中海的一个海湾。

  • His awards include the Grand Prize in Vietri sul Mare Italy in2002 and the National Culture Prize in Tunis in2002 and2004 .

    他的奖项包括奖河畔马雷在维耶特里,意大利于2002年在 突尼斯奖,2002年和2004年的大和民族文化。

  • I need to be in Tunis by nightfall .

    我需要在天黑前赶到 突尼斯

  • His work was published daily in Cairo Beirut Kuwait Tunis Abu Dhabi London and Paris in publications ranging from far Right to far Left .

    他的作品发表在开罗,贝鲁特,科威特, 突尼斯,阿布扎比,伦敦和巴黎的日报和从极右到极左等出版物。

  • We in Yemen are no less thirsty for freedom and dignity than our brothers and sisters in Tunis .


  • There 's no slander that provides an excuse for people to burn a restaurant in Lebanon or destroy a school in Tunis or cause death and destruction in Pakistan .

    任何诽谤之词都不能成为一些人或在黎巴嫩的餐馆中放火或在 突尼斯 砸毁学校或在巴基斯坦造成伤亡和损失的托词。

  • Suha Arafat who was born in1963 said she was living in Tunis with her daughter and had no marriage plans . Yasser Arafat is the love of my life and will be until I die she said .

    生于1963年的苏哈·阿拉法特说她现在和女儿居住在 突尼斯,而且没有结婚的计划,“亚瑟·阿拉法特是我一生中最爱的那个人,至死不渝”。

  • Tomorrow I go back to work ! Beautiful warm Tunis peace will return soon inshallah !

    明天就要开始上班了!美丽多情的 突尼斯,但愿在安拉在保佑下快点回归安宁!

  • Under the Ottoman Empire Tunisia was known as Regency of Tunis .

    突尼斯在很长一段时间内受到奥斯曼帝国统治(这一时期被称为 突尼斯摄政时期)。

  • Security forces in Tunisia have been fighting a gun battle with suspected members of the presidential guard at the presidential palace several kilometres north of the capital Tunis .

    在突尼斯首都 突尼斯北部几千米处的总统府,突尼斯安全部队力量与疑似总统卫队发生枪战。

  • Hereto Tunis has only seen a slight cosmetic face-lift but all the same mechanisms and the same establishment structures remain in place underneath the face-lift .

    至此, 突尼斯只看到一个轻微化妆品改头换面,但所有的相同的机制,并建立结构相同的电梯仍然在发生下面的脸。

  • This basic and joyful longing for human freedom echoed the voices that we had heard all across the region from Tunis to Cairo .

    对人身自由的渴望是最基本、也是令人愉悦的追求,它与另一些我们听到的声音交相辉映,它们在这片土地上回荡,从 突尼斯到开罗。

  • We will not stop or let up till Tunis has been captured .

    不攻占 突尼斯 我们决不停止也 不松劲。