true condition

[法] 真实条件

  • The other is called exceptions and limitations of rights from the view of limitation of rights which definitely stipulate the true condition and range for every action of fair use by examples .

    一是从限制权利的角度来说,称为权利的例外与限制,它以列举的方式明确规定每一种合理使用行为的 成立 条件和范围。

  • The experimental results of rock under true triaxial condition conform with the generalized twin shear stress yield criterion .

    初次用某高地应力区花岗岩进行的 三轴试验和计算结果表明,岩石 强度符合广义双剪准则。

  • The ultimate request of studying the relationship between the human resource and the regional economy is to find out the practical function of human resource so that the suggestions of development and management of manpower are able to be concluded properly from the true condition of the region .

    研究人力资源与区域经济关系最终目标,在于通过定量的经济分析,能够更准确地掌握人力资源在该区域中的实际作用,从而提出根据区域 实际 情况、妥善开发与管理好人力资源的建议。

  • Unloading failure tests of jointed rock mass models are made under true triaxial condition using two kinds of unloading ways . The unloading deformation failure and strength characteristics of jointed rock mass are studied and analyzed in two kinds of unloading ways .

    通过裂隙岩体模型的卸荷破坏试验,从应力-应变关系、变形及强度特性等方面,对裂隙岩体在卸 条件下的变形破坏特性进行了分析。

  • Applicants should compile their applying document according to their true condition .

    应征申请人应按资格预审文件 要求 如实填写申请文件。

  • Your true living condition is expressed in every ordinary or present situation .

    真实 状态表现于每一个日常和当下的境况中。

  • I should not have spoken so if I had known her true condition but I could not get rid of the notion that she acted a part of her disorder .

    如果我知道她的 真实 情况,我就不该这么说了,可是我没法摆脱这样的念头。她的病有一部分是装出来的。

  • Perhaps ask you are representative when be true condition .

    或者问你代表性的几点是否就是 真实 情况

  • To make the structural analysis approach true condition it is best to simulate the bridge structure to air space composite structure form so it can offer instruction for construction .

    为了使结构分析更接近桥梁结构的 真实工作 状况,最好把它们模拟成由三维实体元等组成的空间组合结构模型进行计算,给施工提供指导。

  • Conclusion : Dynamic cervical vertebra MRI can objectively indicate the true condition of spinal cord compression it is helpful to select a right surgical approach and method and get a better outcome .

    结论:动态颈椎MRI可以更客观 真实了解脊髓受压 情况,帮助术者更准确地选择手术入路及术式,取得更好的治疗效果。

  • As described above the Route node evaluates an expression the result of which is then cast as a Boolean to produce a true or false test condition .

    如上所述,Route节点对表达式求值,结果将强制转换为布尔值,以生成 或假的测试 条件

  • The actual forming process is a dynamics process base on the true producing condition the mechanical model is established . Using the finite element software the landscape orientation transmogrification process is numerical simulated .

    实际的冷弯成型过程本身是一个动力学过程,依据横向变形的 真实 过程建立力学模型,使用大型有限元软件对冷弯成型过程中板材的横向变形进行数值模拟。

  • It is the popular phenomena that the accounting information can not reflect enterprises ' true financial condition . Under this position enterprise generally faces two basic problems : One is to develop the accounting process ;

    在当前会计信息普遍失真的 情况下,企业一般来说主要面临着两个基本问题:一是完善会计流程;

  • In the evidence-proving research the predict result in a group of 60 young soldiers was verified comparing with the true episode condition by Kappa Tite Method the concordance was quite satisfying ( Kappa Tite ≈ 0.86 > 0.75 ) .

    在模型的实证研究中,通过Kappa值法,对一组60名青年战士的预测结果与 实际发病 情况进行了验证,取得相当满意的一致程度(Kappa值≈0.86>0.75)。

  • The calculation results using simulated and measured irregularity indicate that the power spectral density function and the simulated method used here can reflect true condition of rail .

    同时,采用模拟与实测两种不平顺样本的计算结果表明,本文采用功率谱密度函数的模拟方法可以基本反映轨道的 实际不平顺 情况

  • In fact this way can not assure the balance is true on the condition that the pumping unit may be balance but the current is not .

    实际上,电流平衡不能保证抽油机 一定 平衡,电流不平衡的抽油机也有可能是平衡的。

  • He gave her a grateful furtive look and went back to his guest ; an impulse had made him hide from her the true condition of affairs .

    他向她悄悄地投入感激的一瞥,回到了他的客人跟前去;一种冲动使他把 真实 情况瞒住了她。

  • This scheme can really simulate the true condition it is valuable to other similar cases .

    该方法能较真实地模拟系统所遇到的 实际 情况,对嵌入式系统和嵌入式操作系统的测试具有一定的普遍意义。

  • It is better to use the weighted average efficiency to appraise the true condition of filters according to the weight of dust fed .

    为了更好的把握评价过滤器的 真实使用 情况,应该采用发尘量的加权平均效率进行评价。

  • In this paper we mainly discussed the true condition of the reverse Jensen inequality and make an extension about it .

    本文主要讨论了反向Jensen不等式的 成立 条件,并对一类反向Jensen不等式作了进一步的推广。

  • The core of these accounting standards is how to use the fair value measurement model under the right conditions and reveal the true financial condition and operational results of commercial banks in order to provide more relevant reliable and transparent accounting information for users of financial statements .

    这6项会计准则的核心是在合适的条件下如何使用公允价值计量模式,揭示商业银行 真实的财务 状况和经营业绩,为财务报表使用者提高更为相关、可靠和透明的会计信息。

  • The abundant boundary conditions are loaded on the outside framework according the true condition of simulation table operating and the Topology Optimization Analysis is applied to design the framework .

    按照三轴飞行模拟转台 实际运行 情况,加载丰富的边界条件,采用拓扑优化分析方法对外环框架进行了结构优化分析。

  • Thinking of the true condition of the landslide_the landslide is deformed but not sliding it adopts back analysis method to calculate the shear strength of sliding_face .

    结合试验资料,针对滑坡变形的 实际 情况,采用反演分析方法进行了滑移面抗剪强度参数的反演计算。

  • Finally based on the fundamental theories of the structural reliability and the true condition of the corroded pipeline the assessment model of which is established and is carried out .

    最后,基于结构可靠性的基本理论和管线腐蚀缺陷的 具体 情况,建立管线腐蚀剩余强度可靠性评价模型并进行可靠性评价。

  • The analysis of steep local drop in the Q-S curve from static load test on test pile reveals that the true soil condition at test pile location should be representative and the differences in the true soil might cause deviations in pile load bearing capability .

    通过对试桩静载荷试验出现的 Q-S曲线局部陡降情况的分析,说明选择试桩位置的土层 条件应具备代表性,土层差异可能导致桩承载力取值的偏差。

  • Earnings management violated the information disclosure principle of neutrality & concealing true condition . Unfavourable to the benign development of the securities market also go against the stable operation of commercial Banks .

    盈余管理违背了信息披露中立性原则,隐瞒企业 真实 情况,即不利于证券市场的良性发展,也不利于商业银行的稳健经营。

  • Considering the high consumption and hard realization of true working condition in experiment Software Fluent is used to study the self-support heat exchanger with pin-finned tubes in this paper . After some simplification of the heat exchanger in laboratory the reasonable numerical model is established .

    鉴于实验研究方法的经济消耗和多种 工况难以 实现,论文采用Fluent软件对钉头管自支撑式换热器进行研究,参照实验室换热器装置,通过合理简化建立数值模型。

  • Conclusion The investigation basically reflected the true condition of asthma incidence in urban population of Shenyang

    结论此次调查基本反映了沈阳市城市人口哮喘的患病 情况