As far as your health is concerned it 's a truism that prevention is better than cure .
就你的健康而言,预防胜于治疗,这是 不言而喻的。
Whilst this might sound like a truism it is nevertheless a crucial problem to address .
尽管这可能听起来像是 老生常谈,但却是待解决的重要问题。
If there is one system administration truism it is this : no simple sysadmin task is fun more than twice .
如果存在一个系统管理 公理,那就是:两次过后,没有系统管理任务是有趣的。
It has become a truism buttressed by the hard realities of economic performance that the 21st century will belong to Asia .
21世纪将属于亚洲,这已成为 老生常谈,经济表现的现实支持着这种说法。
It is a truism Lo say that the culture of any nation is the product of its mind .
任何一个民族的文化 都是它的思想的产物,这 句话是 毫无疑义的。
It 's even worse when paired with the truism that errors will occur in your applications .
您的应用程序将出现错误,这是人人 都 懂 的 道理, 但是会使情况变得更糟。
The truism that banking is a confidence game barely needs repeating .
银行业是一场信心博弈 已 是 老生常谈。
But are executives really putting this truism into practice ?
这个 观点 已经 是 老生常谈,但管理者真的把 它付诸实践了吗?
A truism in any software system is that the only constant is change .
任何软件系统中都存在的一个 真理是:唯一不变的是变化。
It is a truism that economic prosperity is accompanied by cultural prowess .
从 过去 的 历史 看,经济繁荣总是与文化实力相伴相依。
It is a truism that teaching language is teaching culture .
教授语言的同时 传播文化是一个 不言而喻的道理。
So long as those associations were the only medium through which the subject was looked at what we now think so gross an absurdity seemed a truism .
只要这些联想是考察这一问题的唯一媒介,我们现在认识到的显而易见的谬论就似乎是 自 明 之 理。
His words are regarded almost as a truism today .
如今,他的话几乎被奉为 真理。
It is a truism of anthropology that all cultures assume that their own particular death practices are natural and right .
人类学中有一 条 不言而喻 的 道理,即所有文化 都认为自己的殡葬仪式是天经地义和理所当然的。
It is a truism that both brevity and readability are good .
It is an old truism when dealing with this sort of investment that you should buy the best you can afford and buy only what you like .
在处理此类投资时,有一个古老的 真理:你应该买你能承担得起的最好的东西,而且只买你喜欢的东西。
He seems no unique opinion and his speech full of truism .
他似乎没有什么独到的见解,他的讲话充满了 陈词滥调。
It is an obvious truism that people act in accordance with their motives .
人人都按自己的动机行事是 不言而喻的。
While that 's been acknowledged informally for some time in Canada a new survey by the Bank of Montreal suggests there is no reason to doubt the truism .
尽管在加拿大,这一 模式 早前就已得到民众认可,但蒙特利尔银行的一项新调查表明这一 老生常谈是无可置疑的。
This theme is expressed in the truism that no nation which oppresses another can itself be free .
这一点已经表现在 尽人皆知 的 真理 里:凡是压迫别国的国家,自己也不可能有自由。
Many a poor or lower-middle peasant would have been confused if the Party had not refuted this truism . The 70 per cent the poor peasants may be sub-divided into two categories the utterly destitute and the less destitute .
如果党不给以 批评,它就会 使许多贫农和下中农感到迷惑。百分之七十的贫农中,又分赤贫、 次贫二类。
Most policy failures in the US stem from a failure to appreciate this truism and therefore to take steps that would have been productive pre-crisis but are counterproductive now with the economy severely constrained by lack of confidence and demand .
美国的大多数政策失误,都源自于未能认识到这一 至理,因而采取了在危机前本会有效、但目前却事与愿违的举措,信心匮乏和需求不足对经济构成了严重制约。
It is a truism that a tired worker is less productive than a fresh one .
疲劳的员工的生产率没有精力充沛的员工高,这是 不言而喻 的 道理。
Now medical researchers are discovering another truism .
现在医学研究工作者又发现一 条 不言而喻 的 道理。
It is a truism that the pig producer must react to change in order to remain profitable .
养猪生产者必须对变化做出反应,以便继续保持生产者的利益。这是 人人 都 懂得 的 事。
This is not a platitude nor theorem it is a truism .
这不是陈词滥调,而是 事实。
Orpington seems an example of the truism that nothing succeeds like success
奥尔平顿似乎验证了一个常理——一 事成功百事顺。
Oh who could deny that ? That needs to be a truism .
谁能否认这点呢,那需要是 真理。
When Aristotle says that man is a political animal by nature he is doing more than simply asserting just a truism or just some platitude .
当亚里士多德说,人类天生是政治动物,他的主张,不只是 老生常谈,或是陈腔滥调。