


  • Objective This article introduced the research about the evaluation synthetically and application of the objective hospitals in the process of annex and purchase of trusteeship .

    目的:介绍在兼并收购或 委托 管理目标医院时对其 竞争力的综合评价研究和应用 范例

  • The Comparison between Mandate System and International Trusteeship

    委任统治制与国际 托管 制度之比较

  • Analyzing and Evaluating the Pharmacy Trusteeship Mode in Nanjing

    对南京市药房 托管模式的初步分析与评价

  • Research on Pharmacy trusteeship of the Economic of Community Health Service

    社区卫生服务药房 托管 前后经济运行状况分析

  • The United States illegally included Diaoyu Dao under its trusteeship

    美国非法将钓鱼岛纳入 托管 范围

  • To the agreement on Trusteeship of the archipelago entrusted by japan .

    关于 托管前日本委任统治岛屿的协定。

  • Department for Special Political Questions Regional Cooperation Decolonization and Trusteeship

    特别政治问题、区域合作、非殖民化和 托管

  • His trusteeship is removed or he is declared bankrupt ;

    依法撤销或者被 宣告破产;

  • United Nations Task Force on Termination of Trusteeship

    联合国终止 托管工作队

  • Franklin Roosevelt 's Decolonization Thinking and Indochina Trusteeship Plan

    富兰克林·罗斯福的非殖民化思想和印度支那 托管计划

  • To introduce practice and experience of county hospital under Lu'an People 's Hospital trusteeship .

    介绍六安市人民医院 托管县级综合医院的实践与体会。

  • A Trusteeship Message Mode of MPI for Many-Core Architecture

    一种适合众核MPI的 托管 消息模型

  • Institutional disappearance and practice disorganization is the impetus to study relevant legal problems of enterprise trusteeship .

    制度性缺失导致的实践失范是研究企业 托管相关法律问题的动力 所在概念界定的混乱是研究企业 托管所碰到的第一个难题。

  • Children are entrusted to their parents and if their parents do not treat them properly the state has a right to remove them from their parents ' trusteeship .

    孩子是托付给父母的,如果父母不善待他们,州政府就有权取消父母对他们的 托管 身份

  • Under-Secretary-General for Trusteeship and Non - Self-Governing Territories

    主管 托管和非自治领土副秘书长

  • Security Measurs of Private Data Under Trusteeship

    私有数据在数据 托管环境中的安全策略

  • A New Model of the Trusteeship of the Public Service Equipment in Community

    社区公共服务设施 托管的新模式 &罗山 市民 会馆

  • Study and Practice on Pharmacy Trusteeship Community Health Service Mechanism

    药房 托管社区卫生服务机制的研究与实践

  • The Inherent Change of State Audit from the Perspective of the Evolution of Public Trusteeship & In Response to the Immunity Theory of Audit

    从公共 受托 责任演进看国家审计本质变迁& 兼论审计免疫系统论

  • Diaoyu Dao was not placed under the trusteeship established by the Treaty of San Francisco which was signed between the United States and other countries with Japan and is partial in nature .

    美国等国家与日本签订的片面媾和条约旧金山和约所规定的 托管 范围不涵盖钓鱼岛。

  • Trusteeship Agreement for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands

    太平洋岛屿托管领土的 托管协定

  • Primarily through the above analysis to our country the fund trusteeship mode selection were defined and introduced legislation to the trustees of the elective duties and responsibilities of the relevant provisions .

    主要是一方面通过上文的分析,对我国的基金 托管模式的选择进行了界定,同时介绍了立法对托管人的选任、职责和责任方面的相关规定。

  • This paper mainly talk about practice pattern of drugstore trusteeship and its impact on hospital .

    主要论述药房 托管的基本操作模式及其对医院产生的影响。

  • Enterprise trusteeship is to entrust an enterprise to another that is capable of management without changing its ownership .

    企业 托管是在不改变所有权的情况下,将企业委托给有经营管理能力的一方去有偿经营。

  • The United States arbitrarily expanded the scope of trusteeship to include Diaoyu Dao which is China 's territory and later returned the power of administration over Diaoyu Dao to Japan . This has no legal basis and is totally invalid according to international law .

    美国擅自扩大 托管范围,非法将中国领土钓鱼岛纳入其中,后将钓鱼岛施政权归还日本,都没有任何法律依据,在国际法上没有任何效力。

  • On the Loan of Export Drawback and Account Trusteeship of Commercial Bank

    试论商业银行出口退税帐户 托管贷款

  • The trusteeship was created by the government in June to spin off Opel and oversee the sales process .

    上述 信托 机构是德国政府在6月份创建的,其宗旨是分拆欧宝业务,监督出售过程。

  • Supervise and administer according to law the issuance transactions registration trusteeship and settlement of securities ;

    (二)依法对证券的发行、交易、登记、 托管、结算,进行监督管理;

  • The basic pattern of equity trusteeship system-unitary legal regulation pattern-does not suit legal regulation of equity trusteeship in China .

    股权 托管 制度的基本模式&单一法律调控模式不适合中国股权托管法律调控。