trustee securities


  • A trustee institution shall undertake the obligation of paying the investment institutions yields of the asset-backed securities within the limit of the trust assets .

    受托机构以信托财产为限向投资机构承担支付资产支持 证券收益的义务。

  • II . A trustee shall upon the entrustment of a fiduciary apply for opening securities account for enterprise annuity fund as an agent .

    托管人要根据 托人委托,为企业年金基金申请代理开立 证券账户。

  • After commencing public summons procedures the applicant may provide appropriate security and request the trustee to perform its obligations under such beneficial securities .

    公示催告程序开始后,声请人得提供相当担保,请求 受托 机构履行关于该受益 证券之债务。

  • In SPT the trust is the originator . The trustee is the vehicle which operates it and beneficial owner is the investor who holds the securities sustained by asset .

    在特殊目的信托中,信托 是资产 证券 的发起 受托 是特殊目的信托 机构,受益人是持有资产支撑 证券的投资者。

  • How many years experience do you or if an entity does the partner officer or trustee thereof authorized to direct transactions in the account have trading securities ?

    您从事有 证券交易的时间有多久,或者如果是个实体,授权直接交易这个帐户的合伙人、主管、 受托 有交易有 证券的经验吗?

  • Securities Investment Funds refer to funds raised through public offering of fund shares . They are deposited in the fund trustee managed and used by fund manager . For the interests of fund holders Securities Investment Funds invest securities by stock portfolio .

    证券投资基金指通过公开发售基金份额募集资金,由基金 托管人 托管,由基金管理人管理和运用资金,为基金持有人的利益,通过资产组合进行的证券投资方式。