true resistance


  • This is true for NCDs for antimicrobial resistance and for food safety items you will be discussing during this session .

    这对非传染性疾病、抗生素 耐药性和食品安全等本届会议中将要讨论的项目来说均是 如此

  • Measurement of true wood resistance

    木材 真实 电阻的测量

  • Two kinds of the mean coefficient of friction ( namely the ratios of mean unit force of friction to mean pressure or to true deformation resistance ) during compression on cylinders of L_4 aluminium and T_2 copper are determined .

    决定了平塑压L4铝和T2铜圆柱体时的两类平均摩擦系数(即平均单位摩擦力与平均单位压力,或与 真实变形 抗力的比值)。

  • A study on the relation of serum fasting true insulin level and insulin resistance with serum lipids in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

    2型糖尿病患者空腹血清 胰岛素水平和胰岛素 抵抗与血脂的关系

  • Fasting IRI and true insulin ( TI ) were determined with radioimmunoassay and ELISA respectively and the pancreatic β cell function index ( Homa β ) and insulin resistance index ( Homa IR ) were calculated then the results were compared and analyzed among the groups .

    均测定空腹IRI(RIA法)和 胰岛素(ELISA法)水平,计算胰岛β细胞功能指数和胰岛素 抵抗指数,进行各组间的对比分析。

  • Compared with the spray inoculation at stage of one true leaf of growing seedlings in 17 cultivars with different resistance etiolated cotyledon spray inoculation had advantages of short period of indentification less affection by environment and easy grading as the symptom was very typical .

    经17个抗病 不同的品种验证,该方法与培养幼苗一 叶期喷雾法比较,同样准确、可靠。同时具有鉴定周期短、不受环境条件影响、接种症状表现明显、易于分级等优点。

  • As for Sun Yu the romanticism itself is a care on true life and resistance on daily life .

    对孙瑜而言,浪漫主义本身就是对 本真生命的关照,对日常生活的 反抗

  • Method of Three Points in Measuring True Insulant Resistance of Electric Appliance of Big Capacitor

    三点法测量大电容电器的 真实绝缘 电阻

  • A true colorful and nice-looking coating with fast coloration surface was found after porcelain anodic oxidation by the test of wear resistance anticorrosion and weather resistance about the porcelain anodic oxidation coating of aluminium alloy .

    通过对这种方法得到的 瓷质阳极氧化膜层进行 耐磨、耐腐蚀、耐候等性能试验,发现经过瓷质氧化后表面,进行染色封闭一步处理的膜层具有色泽 、染色牢固、表面装饰效果好的特点;

  • Conventional diagnosis of aspergillosis is limited by poor culture yield and so the true frequency of azole resistance has been unclear .

    常规 曲霉病诊断方法由于培养能力限制,不能准确测定对唑类药物的 耐药水平。

  • Evaluation for True Resistance Genotypes of Rice Blast

    水稻品种稻瘟病 抗性基因型的推断

  • Treating the first true leaf with oligosaccharide could reduce the disease severity on upper leaves which showed remarkable resistance .

    剂处理第一片 叶后可减轻上部叶片发病,上部叶片呈现较明显的 抗病 反应特征。

  • A more accurate estimate of the true load - carrying capacity of the building during a fire can therefore be obtained allowing fire protection to be removed from significant number of steel beams within the building for a given fire resistance period .

    从而可以更精确地评估火灾下建筑物的 真实承载能力,在给定的 耐火时间内能减少相当数量钢梁的防火保护。

  • The trilogy constructed the enemy identity between China and America thus caused the true resistance root of the Sino - US confrontation .

    三部曲建构了中美间敌人身份的国家间角色,从而导致了中美间 真正 对抗根源。

  • Serum true insulin proinsulin determination and their significances in insulin resistance

    血清 胰岛素、胰岛素原检测在胰岛素 抵抗中的应用