true to tradition


  • That 's true that it is difficult to accustom in a foreign country through its tradition culture and way of life in general .

    习惯不同国家的 传统、文化、生活方式是一件困难的事,这是 千真万确的。

  • His duty is rather to place his own interests beneath those of the group and thereby gain the true liberty which consists in obedience to law and in respect for accumulated tradition .

    他的责任更应该是将自己的利益置于团体利益之下,从而获得 真正的自由,这种自由存在于 法律的遵守和对积累的 传统的尊敬之中。

  • It is true that the Veda has been handed down from generation to generation through oral tradition .

    吠陀( 韦达真正地是通过一代又一代的口头 相传而流传下来。

  • True to military tradition the victors are now treating themselves to the spoils of war

    按照军事 惯例胜者正在分享战利品。