


  • Study on Treating Chronic Renal Failure Using Methods of Invigorating Spleen and Kidney Purging Turbid and Removing Blood Stasis

    健脾补肾、泻 祛瘀法治疗慢性肾功能衰竭的研究

  • Objective To discuss how to lower the influence of turbid urine on urinalysis instrument .

    探讨如何降低 浑浊尿对尿液分析仪在测定蛋白的影响。

  • The turbid yellow river water fiercely reflected the blazing sun of the plateau .


  • We can measure the calcium content of the colored or turbid drink using the method of taking calcium electrode as indicator electrode and calomel electrode as reference electrode .

    我是个出色的牧羊人,提出了以钙电极为指示电极,甘汞电极为参比电极的方法测有色或 浑浊饮料中钙含量。

  • By putting magnetic particles PFC and PAM into turbid water made up by kaoline to carry on magnetic flocculating optimum parameters and mechanism of forming magnetic composite flocs were studied .

    通过对高岭土配制的 浊度水投加磁粉、聚合氯化铁和聚丙烯酰胺进行磁絮凝反应,研究了形成含磁絮体的最佳工艺参数及机理。

  • One day our air is no longer turbid ;

    有一天,我们的空气不再 混浊

  • Hope you not confused by this open and turbid route .

    望读者不为本文 混乱之开放思路迷惑。

  • CLOUD POINT EXTRACTION AND HPLC DETERMINATION OF PAHs IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT The pesticide of this brand is a kind of turbid liquid . Pay attention not to mistake it with others .

    浊点萃取-高效液相色谱测定土壤及底泥中痕量多环芳烃这个牌子的杀虫剂是 悬浊液,你别搞错了。

  • There are a lot of cancer-inducing materials in the turbid liquid . Don 't use it .


  • A study on biochemical mechanism and prevention of turbid soup in Chinese chestnut can

    板栗罐头 汤的生化机制与防治研究

  • Alum will settle turbid water .

    明矾可以澄清 浊水

  • He found himself content to watch idly the sluggish flow of the turbid stream .

    他心安理得地懒洋洋地望着 混浊的河水 缓缓流着。

  • A method for determining the optical properties in turbid medium is developed based on time-resolved reflection measurement .

    发展了一种基于时间分辨反射测量技术的 混浊介质光学参数 重构方法。

  • The pure water is clean ; but when mud or sand is poured into water it becomes turbid .

    水纯则清,将颜料、泥沙倒进水里,水就 混浊了。

  • Blue vitriol ie copper sulphate Alum will settle turbid water .

    胆矾(五水硫酸铜).明矾可以澄清 浊水

  • Application of the separation of oil from water to the treatment reform of turbid circulating water in steelworks

    油水分离技术在钢厂 循环水处理改造中的应用

  • He gazed down at the turbid waters of the thames .

    他凝视着泰晤士河 浑浊的河水。

  • It also shows the advantage of T-R method in highly turbid water .

    研究结果同时也验证了T&R法在高悬 水体应用的优越性。

  • It is just like that we forget there is limpid water in the deep place of a lake when we see the turbid stream .

    就像我们留心观看 浑浊的溪水,而忘记了在湖之深处,还有清澈的湖水。

  • Research on the water purification and scale inhibiting techniques of turbid circulating water in ore-dressing

    白垢水电站水下拦污栅改造方案比选选矿 环水水质净化及阻垢技术研究

  • Surface Spectral Measurement and Characteristics Analysis of Turbid Water in Hangzhou Bay

    杭州湾 混浊水体表面光谱测量及光谱特征分析

  • Clinical Research of Treating Turbid Dampness Blocking on Chronic Renal Insufficiency


  • A brief review is given in this paper for sound attenuation in turbid water .


  • The Tao can be pure or turbid moving or tranquil .

    夫道者。有清有 ,有动有静。

  • The persimmon vinegar would be turbid because of the non-biological oxidation during its producing and reserving process .

    以太行山区野生 柿子为原料,采用固态发酵法对营养型柿醋的生产工艺进行了研究。

  • In contrast glycogen obtained from muscle or liver disperses readily in hot water to make a turbid solution .

    相反,从肌肉和肝脏中获得的糖原很容易分散在热水中,产生 混浊 的溶液。

  • The pesticide of this brand is a kind of turbid liquid . Pay attention not to mistake it with others .

    这个牌子的杀虫剂是 悬浊液,你别搞错了。