turn over

[tɚn ˈovɚ][tə:n ˈəuvə]


  • You stand inside it and turn over and over !

    你站在它里面, 不断 翻转

  • Whenever he 's on TV I turn over .

    只要在电视上见到他,我都 台。

  • I turn over in bed .


  • I turned him over on his back

    他背朝下 翻过身来。

  • I don 't suppose you thought to turn over the tape did you ?

    我认为你并没想过要 磁带换一面,是吗?

  • He realized he was in the wrong and promised to turn over a new leaf .

    他认识到自己错了,答应 改过自新

  • I would indeed turn the evidence over to the police

    我当然会 证据 给警方的。

  • I want to settle down and turn over a new leaf .

    我想安顿下来, 洗心革面,重新做人。

  • Liz picked up the blue envelope and turned it over curiously

    莉兹拿起蓝色信封,好奇地翻 过来看。

  • If you turn over you may find it easier to get to sleep .


  • In that time the world inside him could turn over .

    在这十秒钟里,他的内心世界就会 了一个 个儿

  • My three-month-old baby when I was in his next led him to turn over .

    我的宝宝三个月大的时候,我就在他的旁边引导他 翻身

  • Never stand up in a canoe ; it will get off balance and turn over .

    永远不要站在独木舟上,它会失去平衡 翻船的。

  • I 'll turn over patent rights on everything from the last two years .


  • The sun moved to my feet . It was time to turn over the quilt .

    太阳已移到我脚跟,是时候 位置了。

  • It is difficult to turn over in a hammock .

    在吊床上 翻身很困难。

  • Then I grimace and turn over the box that holds the strap .

    我向他做了个鬼脸然后 放表带的盒子。

  • He has been very lazy but he is going to turn over a new leaf and work hard .

    他以前一直很懒,但他将 改过自新,努力工作。

  • The buggy turned over and Nancy was thrown out .

    童车 翻倒了,南茜被甩了出来。

  • The alarm did go off but all I did was yawn turn over and go back to sleep .

    闹钟确实响了,但我只是打了个哈欠, 又接着睡着了。

  • Even when she didn 't say anything you could see her turning things over in her mind .

    即便她什么都没说,你也能看出她心里在 盘算着。

  • Parliamentarians were eager to turn over responsibility for the decision .

    经验老到的议员急于 作决策的责任推卸给他人。

  • The lawyer turned over the release papers .

    律师提交 释放文书。

  • Ann turned over in her bed once more .

    安在床上又 了一下身。

  • The King may turn over some of his official posts to his son

    国王可能 他的某些公职 由儿子担任。

  • Don 't turn over the page yet .

    先别 这一页 过去

  • A sudden shift in weight caused the boat to turn over .

    重量突然转移使船 了。

  • Do you promise to turn over a new leaf .

    你保证要 改过自新吗?

  • It occurred to her too that she was unable to swim should the boat turn over .

    她还想到,要是小船 ,自己连游泳也不会。