


  • Many households have dispensed with their old-fashioned vinyl turntable .

    很多家庭都将老式的黑胶 唱机 束之高阁了。

  • The speed control on his turntable was not working properly ; I turned the controls over to her .

    他的 转盘上的速度控制器不能正常工作;我把控制器转向她。

  • Turntable control system for sperm analysis and measurement error compensation algorithm for improving system accuracy are very good applications .

    对于 转台控制系统中的精测误差分析与补偿算法,对于提高系统精度具有很好的应用。

  • This paper introduces working principle of liner CCD remote sensor uniaxial turntable analyses imaging error of turntable simulation flying and brings point and parameter design of turntable .

    介绍了线阵CCD遥感器单轴 转台的工作原理,分析了转台模拟飞行器成像的误差,给出了转台的指标及参数设计。

  • In the hardware-in-the-loop simulation of homing guidance weapon five-axis turntable has obvious advantages .

    五轴 转台在寻的制导武器半实物仿真系统中具有突出的优点。

  • The friction simulation model of the stabilized turntable is built .

    建立了稳定 转台摩擦的仿真模型。

  • It has a receiver a CD player a double cassette deck and a turntable .

    这儿有一个接收器,一个cd播放机,双卡式录音座,还有一个 转盘

  • The test results show that the PIGA 's test precision can be improved one order higher using three-axis turntable .

    试验结果表明,利用三轴 转台可以成功地将陀螺加速度表测试精度提高一个数量级。

  • The friction torque and motor ripple torque are main factors that influence the position tracking accuracy of high precise servo turntable control system .

    摩擦力矩和电机波动力矩是影响高精确度伺服 转台控制系统位置跟踪精确度的主要因素。

  • Imagine that this is a turntable and you are sitting here on the turntable on a chair .

    想象有一个 转盘,你坐在椅子的转盘上。

  • I waited at the turntable for hours but my luggage never appeared .

    我在 旋转 等了好几个小时,都没看到我的行李。

  • The mechanism that revolves the turntable is broken .

    带动 转盘旋转的机械装置坏了。

  • I think a great example right now is turntable .

    我认为目前一个很好的例子是 社交 网络 turntable.fm

  • It 's like the digital version of a turntable where everything is automatic .

    这就像一个 转盘的数码版本,如果一切都是自动的。

  • I have found that the use of a turntable during the heating process makes a significant difference .

    我发现,一个 转盘在加热过程中的使用会产生重大差别。

  • Design of the Turntable Rate Control System Based on DSP

    基于DSP的 转台速率数字控制系统设计

  • A method of measuring the friction parameters of stabilized turntable driven by torque motor is proposed .

    提出一种测量由力矩电机驱动的稳定 转台摩擦参数的方法。

  • Japan 's large-scale production of a user bearing turntable also has finished processing the user is acceptance .

    为日本某用户生产的大型 转盘轴承也加工完毕,用户正在验收。

  • Static and Dynamic Characteristics and Dynamic Simulation for Three-axis Turntable

    三轴 转台结构静动态特性分析与动力学仿真

  • The rotation speed of turntable is adjusted by VVVF facility through a knob in electric panel .

    工作 转台速度的调节,是通过变频调速装置,在电气操作柜上,用旋钮进行平稳的调整。

  • Study on disturbance torques compensation in high precise servo turntable control system

    高精确度伺服 转台控制系统中的扰动力矩补偿

  • Turntable can add automatic angle flipping system to complete the printing on both sides for same workpiece .

    转盘 可添加自动角度翻转系统,完成同一工件双面印刷。

  • Design and Realization of a Dual-Motor Driving Servo System for a 2D Precise Test Turntable

    双电机驱动精密二维测试 转台伺服系统设计与实现

  • Taking newtype numerical control turntable as the core a WEDM system for complicated surfaces was developed .

    开发了以新型翻转式自动分度数控 回转 工作 为核心的复杂曲面电火花线切割加工系统。

  • A rigid precise turntable is attached to the laboratory floor .

    一架坚固的精密的 转台被固定在试验室地上。

  • Turntable is a high - precision test device and plays a very important role in aerospace engineering .


  • Disturbance compensator based on state observer for turntable control

    基于状态观测器的扰动补偿在 转台控制中的应用

  • Ball bearing precision turntable structure makes angle swinging flexible and accurate .

    滚珠精密 转盘结构,令角度摆动灵活准确。

  • Research of Three-Axis Turntable 's Control System Based on RTX

    基于RTX的三轴 转台控制系统研究

  • He put another record on the turntable so that people could dance to the music .

    他在 唱机 转盘上又放了一张唱片,使人们能合着乐曲跳舞。