turn of commodity

[tɚn ʌv kəˈmɑdɪti][tə:n ɔv kəˈmɔditi]


  • With the continuous economic development Merchandising Right turn out to be a new type of right that grows out of the promotion of commodity sales . In such developed countries as America and Japan the research of Merchandising Right has been mature .

    商品 权是随着经济不断发展,为促进 商品销售而产生的一种新型权利,在发达国家中,美国和日本对商品化权的研究较为成熟。

  • As Jameson says the artistic pursue and magnificent manner of the aesthetes will ultimately turn to be a kind of mundane and nonobjective symbol to become a form of ideology or some commodity of words .

    正如詹姆斯所说,唯美主义者表面上的艺术追求以及华丽的风格 最终成为一种世俗和高度抽象的符号代表,是一种“形式的意识形态”,或“语词的 商品”。

  • These have in turn pushed up the prices of these commodities faster than inflation and fuelled investors ' interest in the commodity market .

    这些需求 反过来 推动这些大宗商品的价格涨速快于通胀,并且助长了投资者对 大宗 商品市场的兴趣。