turn loose

[tɚn lus][tə:n lu:s]


  • They just wanta give him the proposition they said they 'd turn him loose .

    他们只是要他转达建议;他们 释放他的。

  • Turn the handwheel to move the needle bar up to its highest position . The pilot shot up to a high altitude where he let loose full blast .

    转动飞轮,把针杆上升到最高部位。飞行员将飞机猛地升到高空,然后 全速前进。

  • We gave the watchword and the sentinel let us pass . Turn me loose you varmint and get out of here !

    我们说出口令,哨兵就把我们放过去了。 放开我,你这个恶棍,给我滚出去!

  • He said I tried to turn loose and hold on at the same time while looking for the light .

    这位 信徒对我说:那晚,我既须坚持, 放松,同时等待大光 出现

  • In order to decrease the system Inveracious Alarm the alarm restraining can be done when the driver turn about loose accelerograph and apply the brake .

    为了降低系统的虚警率,本系统在驾驶员采取 转向油门和制动时均实施了报警抑制。

  • In pioneer days it was considered great sport to turn a pack of dogs loose on this furry foe but few dogs were willing to challenge the badger a second time .

    在拓荒者年代, 放出一群狗与这个有毛皮的对手 相斗被认为是极精彩的娱乐。然而,极少有狗愿意向獾作第二次挑战。

  • The thesis is : let markets work turn loose the private sector break down barriers to free trade and all will be well .

    其论点是:起动市场、 给予社会经济中的私营部分 充分 自由、打破贸易壁垒进行自由贸易,这样一切都会变好。

  • It would be irresponsible to turn such a man loose on society .

    这样的人 在社会上不加管束是不负责任的。

  • Placing participants in small groups it is able to turn them loose on companies and organisations and closely monitor the results .

    通过把学员分成小组,就可以 他们 减少对企业或组织的关注,而密切注意结果。

  • Turn loose or free from restraint . The flowing aspects take much of the tension out of the opposition aspects .

    压制中 释放或获得自由。流畅的相位可释放对冲相位的压力。

  • If the plane should move or turn suddenly a loose object could hit and injure someone .

    不然万一飞机突然起动或 转向没有 稳的行李就会 下来打在乘客头上。

  • We were advised to buy a mongoose and turn it loose .

    他们建议我们买一头猫鼬,并 自由 放养

  • I want to turn loose my hold on everything and go sailing down down just like one of those poor tired leaves .

    什么事我都 想管了,只想 往下,往下 ,就像那可怜而疲惫的叶子一样。

  • SCARLETT : Turn me loose you fool turn me loose !

    思嘉: 放开我,你这傻瓜,放开我!

  • When are you gonna wise up and turn her loose ?

    你什么时候才能 聪明点 过她?

  • Krantz gives him an hour or he 'll turn T-Bag loose on Sara .

    “将军”给他一个小时限期,时间过后他 就会西奥多去伤害莎拉。