tunnel diode

[ˈtʌnəl ˈdaɪˌod][ˈtʌnəl ˈdaiəud]


  • The effect of variations in the shunt capacitance the series inductance the bias voltage and the load resistance of tunnel diode oscillators on the oscillating waveforms is discussed in this paper .

    本文讨论 隧道 报管振荡器的并联电容、串联电感、负载电阻和偏压的变动对振荡波形的影响。

  • Tunnel diode circuit memory

    隧道 二极管电路存储器

  • For the tunnel diode parallel amplifier quiescent operation point circuit specification and offset voltage are studied .

    介绍了 隧道二极管的 特性,研究了 隧道 二极管并联放大器的静态特性,主要性能指标和偏置要求。

  • Our calculations show this tunnel diode is available .

    计算结果显示出这种 隧道 二极管是可行的。

  • The research of electron transfer in MIM light emission tunnel diode

    MIM 隧道发光 二极管的电子输运研究

  • The Effect of Neutron Radiation on the Behaviour of Tunnel Diode

    中子辐照对 隧道 二极管性能的影响

  • Triggered oscillation in tunnel diode circuits with non - linear bias

    非线性偏置条件下 隧道 二极管中的触发振荡

  • The fast discriminator consists of a high speed GaAs tunnel diode the fast counting circuit consists of some ECL super high speed D triggers .

    快甄别电路由高速砷化镓 隧道 二极管组成,快计数电路由ECL超高速D触发器组成。

  • Using the theory of tunnel effect this paper discusses how to use ITO as electrode to thin the window layer of light emitting diode .

    讨论如何利用 隧道效应,应用ITO做电极来减薄发光 二极管(LED)窗口层。

  • Mechanism of Light Emission From Metal / Insulator / Silicon ( MIS ) Tunnel Diode

    金属/绝缘层/硅(MIS) 隧道 二极管的发光机理


    矩形微管内摩擦阻力特性的实验研究 隧道 二极管负阻振荡器

  • As an application example a tunnel diode based Chua 's circuit with standard DC bias is given whose spectrum of chaotic signal has reached hundreds of megahertz .

    作为应用实例,该文给出了一个采用标准偏置 隧道 二极管实现的、混沌带宽达到数百兆赫兹的混沌电路。

  • This paper reports the light emission from MIM tunnel diode and Negative Differential Resistance ( NDR ) in its I-V characteristic curve .

    本文报道了MIM 隧道 二极管的发光和负阻现象,用梯形势垒计算了电流-电压特性。

  • By comparing the practical data with other types of oscillators it is shown that the tunnel diode oscillator is of greater line width and of lower intrinsic frequency stability .

    经过实际计算,以及同其他型式振荡器的现有资料作比较,证明了这种 振荡器属于固有 噪声影响大、自然线宽大、频率的自然稳定度低的一类振荡器。

  • In circuit principle section the operating principle of P_CAL the waves of key points and classic tunnel diode circuits are introduced .

    在电路原理部分主要介绍相位校准单元的工作原理、各个关键点的波形以及用 隧道 二极管产生梳状谱的典型电路。

  • Behaviours of the Tunnel Diode Current under Pressure

    压力下 隧道 的电流性质

  • A high speed circuit is designed for obtaining the BEPC ⅱ bunch fiducial signal based on tunnel diode circuit monostable multivibrator and ECL logic technology .

    基于 隧道 二极管单稳态电路、高速可重触发电路、ECL技术等多种高速电路技术设计了BEPCⅡ束团缺口信号提取电路。

  • A monostable multivibrator using tunnel diode is described with which a positive pulse of 0.3 ns is stretched to a 4 ns ECL signal .

    分析了缺口提取电路中处理快速信号的 隧道 二极管单稳态电路原理,该电路可以将0.3ns的正脉冲展宽到4ns的ECL电平脉冲。