turn out to do

[tɚn aʊt tu du][tə:n aut tu: du:]


  • No one has complete control over how things turn out but unless you 're being forced to do something against your will you still have a chance to influence the outcome .

    谁也没有对 事情 结果如何上面有完全的控制,可是除非你 被迫 违心 某件事,否则,你还是有机会影响结果。

  • Every night before I turn out the lights to sleep I ask myself this question : Have I done everything that I can do to unite this country ?

    我每天晚上 熄灯 入睡前总要问自己这个问题:我是否为团结这个国家 了我力所能及的一切?

  • It said the US economy was running at around full capacity and that further tightening may turn out to be warranted if activity and prices do not slow down over the next few months .

    它指出,美国经济接近“满负荷运转”,“如果今后几个月经济活动与价格 没有趋缓,进一步的紧缩行动 可能是合理的。”

  • That is just about possible but even if it did turn out to be true they do contain human hair .

    这也许是一种合理的解释,或者 假使它就是事实。

  • The Collinses will turn us out before he is cold in his grave ; and if you are not kind to us brother I do not know what we shall do .

    他尸骨未寒,柯林斯一家人就要 我们撵 出去;兄弟呀,要是你不帮帮我们的忙,我 不知道怎么是好啦。

  • If the terrorists in this case do turn out to be the doctors and other professionals who are as I write suspected of the crime it would demonstrate that even years of education and experience do not guarantee a successful attack .

    如果这次的恐怖分子的确是 那些涉嫌犯罪的医生或其它专业人士,那 证明,即便是多年的教育和经验 不能确保袭击的成功。

  • He set another example where in the short term it did not turn out so well but in the long term it clearly was the right thing to do .

    他树立了一个榜样,在短期,情况不是 ,但在长期,明显是应该这样 的。

  • That could turn out to be a very smart deal if Google gets us searching and sharing and mapping our ways to restaurants even more than we do today .

    如果谷歌(Google)能 借此进一步 推动 我们搜索、分享和绘制本地餐馆的路线图,这笔收购 可能成为一笔非常精明的买卖。

  • This is complete madness for the US America needs global investors to buy its bonds fumes one bank manager . But not holding US assets might turn out to be the easiest thing for us to do .

    一位银行经理怒气冲冲地表示:“美国绝对是疯了它可是得求着全球投资者购买其债券,而不持有美国资产 可能是我们最容易 做到的事情。”

  • In order to turn the scale the paper in accordance with practice points out the existing problems of the police 's ability to do the mass work then analyses the reasons for that and finally puts forward solutions to the problems .

    扭转这一状况,结合实际 提出基层民警 群众工作能力方面存在的问题、产生问题的原因及解决途径。