turnover time

[ˈtɚnˌovɚ taɪm][ˈtə:nˌəuvə taim]


  • The applications of mass balance equation and mixing model along with the verification of diet turnover time are important steps to validate related ecological process ;

    同位素 转化 时间的确定、质量平衡方程和混合模型的应用则是验证相关生态问题的重要步骤;

  • After sixteen years following planting the amount nutrient contents and turnover time of forest litter were investigated in the above five types of mixed uneven-aged stands and pure Masson Pine forest .

    补植16年后,对上述5种混交林类型及马尾松纯林的森林凋落物量、养分含量及 周转 时间进行研究。

  • Analysis on the Mechanism Influencing Turnover Time of Railway

    影响铁路货车 周转 时间的机理分析

  • Smartphone maker HTC reported a quarterly rise in turnover for the first time since 2011 as new mid-range phones and a tablet produced with Google helped slow the erosion of its market share .

    智能手机制造商宏达电(HTC)报出2011年以来的 首次季度 营业额上升,原因是新型中档手机和与谷歌(Google)合作生产的平板电脑帮助延缓了其市场份额的流失。

  • Methods Skin was cultivated in organ with T lymphocytes to investigate the effect of psoriatic T lymphocytes on epidermal turnover time .

    方法应用T细胞与皮肤组织体外共培养的方法检测银屑病T细胞对 表皮 通过 时间产生的影响;

  • In consideration of the indetermination of the employee turnover time factor has been put forward into to this model in order to enhance the human resource management of the enterprise .

    考虑到雇员 流失具有不确定性,引入 时间因素,提出了企业人员动态控制流动模型。

  • Turnover time of electrodeposition paint

    论电泳漆的 更新

  • Through measuring the dynamic transformation of soil microbial biomass C the turnover of biomass C was 52.69 g / m ~ 2 in a growth season the turnover time was about 1.25 a.

    通过测定羊草草原土壤微生物量碳的动态变化,对微生物的通量和周转进行了分析,一个牧草生长季内微生物生物量碳的通量为52.69g/m2a, 周转 时间约为1.25年。

  • One-way transit time turnover time the number of passenger capacity and operational vehicles and so on can have the influence to the travelers ' choice . These are the main parameters optimization of bus operation organization mode indicators .

    公交车辆运行的单程时间、 周转 时间、载客量以及运营车辆数等都会对出行者的选择产生影响,是对常规公交运营组织方式进行优化的主要参数指标。

  • Thirdly it can greatly shorten receivables turnover time providing enterprises with large current funds .

    第三,企业资产证券化可以大大缩减应收账款 周转 天数,为企业提供了大量流动资金。

  • However most of these methods are indirect and discontinuous and require various labeling strategies . Moreover the turnover time and cost of the conventional assays place a limit on the applicability of large-scale screening of drug candidates .

    然而这些方法是不连续的而且需要各种标记方法,所以 浪费 时间容易造成分析物的浪费,这些缺点限制了用这些方法来大规模的筛选药物。

  • The quality index can be classified into three categories : vehicles load capacity utilization indicator vehicles turnover time indicator and vehicle operation efficiency composite indicator . Secondly this thesis has proposed the accumulated dynamic contrast analysis .

    将载运工具运用效率的质量指标分为三类,即:载运工具装载能力利用程度指标,载运工具 周转 时间指标,载运工具运用效率综合考核指标。其次,提出累加动态对比分析法。

  • The difference of turnover intention on the time of work is near to be significant .

    离职倾向在工作总 年限上的差异接近边缘性显著。

  • Conclusion Shorter epidermal turnover time and faster transmit rate are the important character of epidermis kinetic for psoriatic lesions and interrelate with epidermal morphological structure .

    结论表皮通过 时间缩短,表皮 周转速率加快是银屑病皮损重要的表皮动力学改变,与银屑病皮损形态学改变密切相关;

  • From the point of interface technology technical character hot metal turnover time hot metal accepting capacity occupancy factor of crane and number of reladling pits have been studied .

    本文从界面技术的角度研究了不同布置型式倒罐站的技术特征以及铁水 转运 周期、倒罐站受铁能力、车间起重机作业率、倒罐坑数量等命题;

  • This may lead to employee turnover at a most unfortunate time in the project .

    这会导致雇员们在项目的最低潮 离职

  • The turnover ratios can reflect the firms ' speed of fund turnover and time of operating cycle hence indicate the liquidity .

    周转率指标能够反映企业的资金 周转速度和 营业周期,反映企业的流动性。

  • By using matrix method the effects of relevant factor influencing turnover time of wagons are also quantitatively analyzed .

    同时运用矩阵分析法,定量地分析了相关因素对影响货车 周转 时间的影响结果。

  • Continually improve equipment performance troubleshoot equipment failure and improve turnover time reduce scrap increase line-speed with improved processes control paint and natural gas consumptions .

    持续提高设备性能、备故障解决、高 周转 时间,减少废品率,提高线速,控制原料的使用。

  • Psoriatic T lymphocytes can influence epidermal turnover time of normal skins and psoriatic uninvolved skins . It is shown that psoriatic T lymphocytes are one of the vital factors for abnormal epidermal kinetic in psoriasis .

    银屑病T细胞可以影响正常皮肤的 表皮 通过 时间,表明T细胞在银屑病表皮动力学紊乱中发挥重要作用。

  • The AR-GARCH model accurately fits the daily market turnover time series with very significant estimated parameters .

    AR-GARCH模型很好地拟合了日市场 换手 时间系列,估计出来的参数十分显著;

  • Epidermal turnover time in both normal skins and psoriatic uninvolved skins becomes much shorter after cultured respectively with psoriatic T lymphocytes than those of their corresponding unstimulated controls .

    银屑病外观正常皮肤及正常人皮肤分别与银屑病T细胞共培养后, 表皮 通过 时间均显著缩短。

  • The SOC content decreased with soil depth in a specific forest ecosystem whereas the SOC density and turnover time increased with soil depth .

    同一生态系统中,SOC含量随土深增加而降低,而SOC密度和SOC 周转 时间随深度增加而增大。

  • Measuring the gross turnover time of soil microbial biomass C under incubation

    土壤微生物生物量碳的表观 周转 时间测定方法

  • Changes in Amount Nutrient Contents and Turnover Time of Forest Litter after Interplanting Hardwood Species Under Masson Pine Stand

    马尾松林下补植阔叶树后森林凋落物量、养分含量及 周转 时间的变化

  • Second the premise of logistics distribution system must reduce storage plan produce and combination will reduce turnover time .

    其次,物流配送系统的运作必须以不断降低存货水平为前提,而计划、生产、物流的重新组合可以减少 周转 时间

  • The calculation equations for turnover time were given . The turnover time was calculated with the CA 141 body painting line in No. 1 Automobile Factory as example .

    列出了 更新 的计算公式,并以第一汽车制造厂 CA141车身涂装线为实例进行了计算。

  • Turnover time of pulmonary alveolar macrophages ( pams ) in rat

    大鼠肺泡巨噬细胞的 更新 时间

  • Physically now I feel well thanks to turnover I have also more time to recover energies .

    我感觉我的身体状态现在不错,这都是要多谢 轮换 ,这样我就有更多 时间去恢复体力。