Shevardnadze returned to Georgia in1992 and joined the leaders of the coup ― Kitovani and Ioseliani ― to head a triumvirate called the State Council .
Shevardnadze在1992返回克鲁吉亚,加入了政变组织领袖集团,形成称为“国家委员会”的 三 人执政局面。
Google he writes is viewed as a system owned and run as a public good by a benevolent triumvirate ( Larry Page Sergei Brin Eric Schmidt ) .
他写道,谷歌被看作是一个体系,由一个仁慈的 三 人 领导 小组(拉里•佩奇,谢尔盖•布林,埃里克•施密特)拥有,而且作为一项公益事业来经营。
Sinopec the refinery arm of China 's oil and gas triumvirate has seen its share price rise 34 per cent year-to-date comfortably outpacing PetroChina .
中国油气行业 三 巨头中的炼油巨擘中石化(Sinopec),今年迄今为止股价已累计上涨34%,轻松超越了中石油。
These three ladies disliked and distrusted one another as heartily as the First Triumvirate of Rome and their close alliance was probably for the same reason .
这三位太太像罗马的第一 任 三 头 政治 那样 互相 猜忌,也许正因为这样她们才结成了紧密的联盟。
The company is run jointly by a triumvirate of directors .
这家公司是由 叁人 组成的董事会经管的。
The only choice investors have is Rupert James or a triumvirate of Murdochs .
投资者的唯一选择就是 鲁珀特、詹姆斯或默多克家族的 三 人 领导。
John Tsang was previously director of the chief executive 's office and is the only new face to join the triumvirate of senior officials who work directly under Hong Kong 's leader .
曾俊华(John Tsang)此前为行政长官办公室主任,在香港特首直接领导的 三大政府高官中是唯一的新面孔。
They were the bass note in the triumvirate of receptacles which awaited visitors in every conference room : spittoons porcelain-lidded tea cups and ashtrays .
当时每个会议室必备的迎宾 三件套就是: 痰盂、带盖的茶杯和烟灰缸。
It would gratify her father but a duopoly is not much of a succession plan for a monarchy – and a triumvirate even less so .
这将让她的父亲感到高兴,但双头 管理 算不上什么君主接任计划, 三 头 管理更非如此。
This triumvirate approach has real benefits in terms of shared wisdom and we will continue to discuss the big decisions among the three of us .
这种 三 驾 马车 的 管理方式在共享智慧上确实有好处,我们将继续在三人之间讨论重大决策。
Run by fractious triumvirate it produced some noble plays .
由 独断专行 的 三 人 小组经营该 剧团 演出了一些 名剧。