


  • It make our growth accompany with justice and turpitude .

    这使得我们的成长伴随着正义和 邪恶

  • In nature the risk of moral hazard is different from obvious acts of moral turpitude and blatant acts of lawlessness .

    从性质上看,道德风险与明显的道德 败坏 行为、赤裸裸的违法乱纪行为是有区别的。

  • She accused him of gross moral turpitude .

    她指责他道德极度 败坏

  • The frequency of envy makes it so familiar that it escapes our notice ; nor do we often reflect upon its turpitude or malignity till we happen to feel its influence .

    由于我们对于妒忌已经熟视无睹,我们也很少想到它的 卑鄙和恶毒,直到有一天它的影响力碰巧降临到我们头上。

  • In other words the city is becoming such a Babel of gaudiness and moral turpitude that lots of people choose to come here and existing residents choose to have lots of children here .

    换句话说,伦敦正变成一个华美和道德 沦丧共存的巴别塔,很多人选择来到这里,现有的居民也选择在这里留下很多的子嗣。

  • In cases over the years fraud theft and many sexual offences have been classed as involving moral turpitude .

    多年来,欺骗、盗窃以及很多性犯罪都被归为道德 败坏 行为

  • They lead to the lowest form of technology reuse copy-and-paste and other crimes of technological moral turpitude . ( There 's a huge disparity between because you can and because you should . )

    scriptlet会导致最低形式的技术重用复制与粘贴以及其他一些在技术方面为人所 不齿 恶行(因为你能和因为你应该之间有巨大区别)。

  • What is a crime involving moral turpitude ?

    什么是道德 败坏罪?

  • For all his turpitude Nixon was good at working the machinery of state to get things done some of them very impressive .

    尼克松尽管 品行 不端擅长 动用国家机器来做事,其中一些事情还令人印象深刻。

  • There have been many academic discussions – and even an entire book – on what moral turpitude is .

    关于什么是道德 败坏,有过很多学术讨论,甚至有一整本书都是 这个的。

  • He was considered unfit to hold office because of moral turpitude .

    为了道德 可耻 行为,他被认为不适 担任 公务员