

[法] 营业额,营业量,人事变动

  • They became the first company in their field to pass the £ 2 billion turn-over mark .

    他们成为自己 所在领域中 首家 营业额超过20亿英镑的公司。

  • BATS Trading a Missouri-based upstart has meanwhile presented a formidable challenge to both - it now accounts for 8-10 per cent of total US equities turn-over of $ 4bn - $ 5bn a day .

    在此期间,总部位于密苏里州的新贵BATSTrading对两家交易所构成了强有力的挑战&它目前占了美国总股票 营业额的8-10%,即每天40至50亿美元。

  • The homeostasis of ECM in healthy liver is sustained by a precisely regulated permanent turn-over directed by MMPs .

    在健康肝脏中,ECM稳态环境通过 MMPs指导精确调节。

  • The most frequent cause of increased exposure to fraud was high staff turn-over rate according to the survey which comprised interviews with 900 senior executives worldwide .

    调查称,导致欺诈风险上升最常见的原因是高员工 离职率。这份调查对全球900名高管进行了访谈。

  • Airport Terminal service : Offering services for cargo receipt labeling warehousing arrangement and customs preparation and does turn-over to airlines .

    空运机场终端服务:提供机场 接货,贴标签,入库和报关及准备 随机 文件

  • Conclusion : Exercise training can prevent and treat postmenopausal bone loss through inhibiting bone turn-over .

    结论: 慢跑跳舞等运动锻炼可通过抑制骨 转换而防治绝经后骨质丢失。

  • By making turn-over collars which have different vertical rising sizes using different fabric and estimating the collar on 84A body stand the research find out which vertical rising size is the most fit size for collar making by every fabric .

    本研究通过用不同的面料制作出不同直上尺寸的领子,并穿着在84A标准人台上对领子进行评价,找出各面料 试样所制作的 领子所对应的最佳直上尺寸。

  • This research studies the fabric properties and vertical rising size which is an important parameter of the turn-over collar pattern researches the relationship between fabric properties and vertical rising size by making turn-over collars and wearing them to test .

    本课题以面料性能与翻领结构的重要参数&直上尺寸的关系为研究对象,运用实际制作 领子并进行穿着测试的研究方法,研究面料性能与直上尺寸的关系。

  • An Experimental Study of Efficient Pressure Distribution in a Turn-Over Channel with Ribs

    带肋 截面 回转通道 沿 有效压力分布 特性的实验研究

  • Wage inflation is running at close to 20 per cent while more than two-thirds of participants report staff turn-over this year of up to 24 per cent .

    目前的工资涨幅接近20%,而三分之二以上的受访者称,今年的员工 流失 达24%。

  • If you keep it at22 % you 'll turn over the goods once maybe twice a month . But if you lower it to19 % you 'll double your turn-over rate .

    假如要维持22%一批货要一个月或半个月才能卖完;但若是把 利润率降到19% 营业额量会倍增。

  • The utility model relates to a novel outdoor turn-over LED advertising board which can reduce cost decrease the weight of the advertising board and improve use safety .

    一种能够降低成本、减轻广告牌重量,增强使用安全性的新型户外 LED广告牌。

  • China Dongxiang should increase the total assets turn-over rate to enhance the ability of asset utilization .

    中国动向应提高总资产 周转率,提高资产利用能力。

  • However for enterprises especially high-tech ones high turn-over rate would not only lead to severe economic loss but also affect the reputation of enterprises and might even threat their sustainable development .

    但是,对于企业来说,尤其是高新技术企业,高的 流失率不仅给企业在经济上造成了严重的损失,也使企业的声誉受损,甚至会威胁到企业的可持续发展。

  • The dissertation introduces construction sequence construction methods ( supporter construction slip-form construction climbing formwork and turn-over formwork construction ) anti-overturning measures of the tilted tower crossbeams ' construction and its bracing structure .

    本文主要介绍了混凝土塔柱的施工顺序、施工方法(支架法、滑模法、爬模法和 模法)、倾斜塔柱的施工抗倾措施、横梁施工及支撑系统。

  • Application technology of simple arch-frame turn-over form in inclined shaft lining construction

    简易拱架 板模在斜井衬砌施工中的应用技术

  • The author introduces the technique of cantilever turn-over formwork and gallery formwork used for Baise RCC main dam .

    介绍了百色碾压混凝土大坝悬臂 升模板及廊道模板的设计和施工工艺。

  • According to your estimate what is the maximum annual turn-over you can fulfill in round figures of course ?

    据你估计,你能总的年 销售量是多少?当然 个整数就 了。

  • To seller the pre-sale can accelerate the turn-over of capital reduce capital cost ;

    商品房预售,对于卖方 而言,可以加速资金 周转、降低资金成本;

  • Nursing Care for the Patients with Explosive Injury Combined with ARDS Treated by Prostration in the Turn-over Bed

    爆震伤并发ARDS患者采用 翻身床交替卧位通气的护理

  • A formula for calculating rational minimum length of turn-over section in return side of conveyor belt is deduced after analysing factors such as belt tension under normal working condition additional stress in belt edge and belt weight etc.

    通过分析输送带在正常工作状态的张力,在带边产生的附加应力及自重等因素,推导出输送带回程 分支 翻转段合理的最短长度计算公式。

  • However personnel turn-over has also caused some enterprises brain drain in large quantities and has already affected seriously their development and the survival of enterprise .

    但是人才 流动也造成了一些组织人才的大量流失,有的已经严重影响了组织的生存和发展。

  • The turn-over cap not only protects the privacy of the patient but also guards against the splashing down of the excrement so as to keep the sanitation of the hospital bed .

    翻盖 形成的便溺 遮挡 空间不仅可以保护病人隐私,而且能够防止排泄物的溅落,有利于病床卫生的保持。

  • The utility model provides a turn-over device of engine cylinder which includes two concentric annular dials to form a fixed framework with equivalent diameter ;

    本实用新型提供一种发动机气缸体 翻转装置,包括两个形成固定框架且外径相等的同心圆形转盘;

  • A : Well of course we prefer the larger profit from a bigger turn-over .

    我们当然想从比较高的 周转 获得比较大的利润。

  • The great auk . We prefer the larger profit from a bigger turn-over .

    我们当然喜欢比较大的清销,得到比较大的 利润

  • A new type of the hydraulic turn-over machine

    新型液压 型材

  • Treatment of Congenital Dysplasia of Acetabulum with Turn-over Shelf Operation on the Upper Margin of Acetabulum

    髋臼上缘 翻转 盖术治疗先天性髋臼发育不良

  • Its fast-growing turn-over masks its contradictions of low profit weak competitiveness .

    中国 中铁 目前快速增长的 营业额 表象,掩盖了其 整体利润 低、竞争力不强的矛盾。

  • Reduce turn-over of in-house legal staff

    减少公司法律顾问的 流动