true aneurysm


  • Results : Of the 6 cases 5 cases were true aneurysm and 1 was dissecting aneurysm .

    结果:6例腹主动脉瘤中5例为 真性主动脉 ,1例为夹层腹主动脉瘤。

  • Results Of all the 19 cases 4 were true aneurysm 5 pseudoaneurysm 10 dissection of aorta .

    结果19例中, 真性 动脉 4例,假性动脉瘤5例,主动脉夹层10例。

  • Results : Sixteen patients including 10 cases with true aneurysm 1 case with pseudoaneurysm and 5 cases with dissectin aneurysm were analysed .


  • True renal aneurysm in early phase detected with color Doppler ultrasonography : case report

    彩色多普勒超声检查发现早期 真性动脉 1例

  • Among them cases ( % ) showed true aneurysm 8 cases ( % ) pseudoaneurysm and cases ( % ) superficial congenital arteriovenous aneurysm .

    其中 真性 动脉 例(%),假性动脉瘤8例(%), 浅表先天性动静脉瘤例(%);

  • The true size of the aneurysm would have been underestimated by coronary angiography because it contains substantial thrombus .

    血管 含有大量的血栓,因此其 实际大小在传统的冠状动脉血管摄影必然会被低估。

  • Conclusion : To cut off the initial splenic true aneurysm and to revasculize splenic artery is a better operative method to cure this disease .

    结论:脾 动脉起始部 真性 动脉 切除、脾动脉重建是一种较好的治疗方案。

  • Surgical Therapy Progress of Aorta Pectoralis True Aneurysm

    胸主动脉 真性 动脉 外科治疗进展

  • Materials and Methods : In this study 6 cases of aneurysm ( including 5 false and one true aneurysm ) were treated with interventional management .

    材料与方法:本组6例动脉瘤,其中5例为假性动脉瘤,1例为 真性 动脉 ,其病因均为外伤 所致

  • CTVE images could clearly show the inner wall and inner structures of the vessels the true and false lumina of aortic dissections and the lesion of false aneurysm .

    CTVE良好地显示了血管内腔内壁,夹层动脉的内膜瓣, 假性 动脉 破口

  • Ultrasound evaluation of intraluminal thrombus associated with true abdominal aortic aneurysm in the elders

    超声检测老年人 真性腹主动脉 附壁血栓

  • Objective : To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of embolization treatment in false aneurysm and Ni-Ti covered-stent management in true aneurysm .

    目的:评价应用栓塞技术治疗假性动脉瘤和应用被覆内支架治疗 真性动脉 的临床效果。

  • Objective To discuss the DSA imaging characteristic and classification of the false aneurysm and true aneurysm complex at the rupture position after intracranial aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage .

    目的探讨颅内动脉瘤破裂出血后在其破口周围所形成的假性动脉瘤与 真性 动脉 复合体的DSA影像学特征及分型。

  • True aneurysm pseudo aneurysm as well as aortic dissection can be differented with conventional ultrasound examination whereas the true lumen and false lumen of dissected aorta can also be identified by color Doppler imaging and spectral Doppler technique .

    用常规超声检查可鉴别 真性腹主动脉 ,假性腹主动脉瘤以及主动脉夹层瘤。而且通过彩色多普勒成象和频谱多普勒还可识别主动脉夹层瘤的真腔和假腔。

  • Objetive : To investigate the operative method of the true aneurysm in the initial part of splenic artery and to summary clinic therapeutic experiences .

    目的:探讨脾动脉起始部 真性 动脉 的手术治疗方法,总结临床治疗经验。