true bearing


  • The pressure and temperature contour plot are drawn on the true oil-film form between shaft and bearing shell .

    给出了以 真实油膜形状作为基底的压力,温度三维 等值线。

  • He could hardly realize their true relations to each other as yet and what their mutual bearing should be before third parties thenceforward .

    到目前为止,他还不大清楚他们两个人的 真实 关系,也不知道他们在其他人的面前应该怎样应付。

  • Case ( derives from the English word case ) refers to the detailed case which comes from the true and first hand material bearing environment and plots . Case teaching is the detailed facts teaching .

    案例(源于英文“Case”)指具体案例,其来自于 现实第一手材料, 真实环境、有情节,案例教学也即具体事例教学。

  • The term true bearing is used by navigators .


  • The analysis of steep local drop in the Q-S curve from static load test on test pile reveals that the true soil condition at test pile location should be representative and the differences in the true soil might cause deviations in pile load bearing capability .

    通过对试桩静载荷试验出现的 Q-S曲线局部陡降情况的分析,说明选择试桩位置的土层条件应具备代表性,土层差异可能导致桩 承载取值的偏差。

  • Calculating Accuracy of True Distance and Bearing on Electronic Chart

    电子海图上距离和 方位的计算精度