true sector


  • True the household savings ratio has plunged but the savings in the corporate sector have risen dramatically as companies invest less .

    没错,日本家庭储蓄率急剧下降,但随着企业减少投资,日本公司 部门的储蓄率却大幅提升了。

  • True the private sector can pick and choose among governments .

    没错,私人 部门能够在各国政府之间进行选择。

  • All doubtless true but even within a sector there will be winners and losers .

    这些无疑都 真实 故事,但即使在同一个 产业 部门,有成功者,就有失败者。

  • But even if it were true that the financial sector must be curbed it would not follow that manufacturing must be expanded .

    但即使金融 确实必须加以遏制,也不能得出制造业必须扩张的结论。

  • True many of the economic constraints are perfectly real – high energy prices a heavily indebted household sector and a stuttering labour market exemplified by another weak set of payroll data on Friday .

    的确,很多经济限制因素是真实存在的&能源价格高 、严重负债的家庭以及不稳定的劳动力市场(上周五发布的又一套疲软的就业数据可以为证)。

  • Mr Li said that while it was true that media in China were primarily state-owned CMC was trying to find a new mechanism which is acceptable to the existing media regulatory framework but at the same time encourages more interaction with financial sector .

    黎瑞刚表示,尽管中国的媒体 确实主要为国家所有,但该基金正试图找到一种新的机制,既可以为现有的媒体监管框架所接受,同时也能促进与金融 的互动。

  • The hope is that this will reduce uncertainty as to the true financial position of the banks enabling them to raise more capital from the private sector .

    盖特纳希望该计划能降低银行 真实财务状况方面的不确定性,使其能够从私人 部门筹集更多资金。

  • This is true of the private sector and even more so of the public sector .

    私人 部门如此,公共部门更是 如此

  • In return it is possible to capture for taxpayers ' benefit the discounts already implicit in market prices – a true private sector participation .

    好处是它有可能捕捉到已经隐含在市场价格之中的折扣值。这于纳税人有利,是 真正的私人 部门参与。

  • If true this would reflect a maturing of the open source concept as it gains respectability thanks not only to its adoption within the private sector but also its popularity among governments .

    如果 的,当开源模式的成熟后获利,我们不仅仅要谢谢那些自私的 部门,而且要谢谢在这中间起作用的政府了。

  • Analyzing the true high and false high in drug price the authors suggested some countermeasures to settle false high in drug as follows : changing the pattern of government supervision normalizing the prescription of medical sector and sustaining the development of medical sector .

    分析了我国药价 高和药价虚高现象,并提出解决药价虚高的一些看法:改变政府管制方式、规范 医方用药行为、科学解决医方生存和发展问题。

  • But it is equally true of efforts to promote consolidation capital injection and ownership change in the banking sector .

    但也同样 适用于努力促进银行 领域的合并、资本注入和所有权转换。

  • This is true above all because such adjustment is the only way to combine a desire to eliminate the fiscal deficit with the likelihood of continued frugality in the UK private sector .

    首要的一点,这种 说法 确实 没错,因为这种调整是把削减财政赤字的希望,与英国私人 部门继续奉行节俭的可能性结合起来的唯一途径。

  • Mr Huang who has written extensively about the issue said he did not know the true size of the private sector in China and I think that many people do not know .

    曾就该问题广泛撰文的黄亚生表示,他“不知道中国民营 企业 真正规模,我认为,许多人也不知道”。

  • True the deficit remains high and public sector reform is struggling .

    没错,希腊赤字依然高企,公共 部门改革陷入困境。

  • Some economists have questioned whether the stress tests were rigorous enough to provide a true gauge of health in America 's banking sector .

    一些经济学家质疑这次压力测试是否足够严格从而为确定美国银行 的健康状况提供 真正的衡量。

  • As I noted last week ( Paulson 's plan was not a true solution to the crisis September 23 ) the gross liabilities of the US financial sector have soared from just 21 per cent of gross domestic product in 1980 to 116 per cent in 2007 .

    上周我在文章中提到(《保尔森计划非全面 解危方案》),美国金融 部门总债务占GDP的百分比从1980年的21%,上升到2007年的116%。