true course


  • Study of measure method for true course of submarine

    潜艇 航向测量方法研究

  • The course objective must be based on the course to design the parts of knowledge and skills and process and method so as to form the true content of the course .

    课程目标要结合课程设计来体现知识与技能、过程与方法等 具体 课程内容,并 注重联系科学和社会 发展

  • This paper aims at the investigation and reflection on offering music appreciation course for selective study in medical schools and the paper lays emphasis on the true essence of this selective course for it can enable students to improve their tastefulness of music and aesthetic standards .

    本文就医学院校开设音乐欣赏选修 课程,提高医学生的音乐鉴赏能力和高尚的审美 情趣,发挥音乐教育在培养高素质医学人才方面的作用进行了探索与思考。

  • And if that 's true then of course we no longer have an argument for the indestructibility or nearly indestructibility of the soul .

    而如果那是 的, 当然我们就,不能再论证灵魂的不可摧毁性,或者几乎不可摧毁性。

  • This is simply not true . Of course in reality we all know that this was not the case .

    事实上,根本就没有这 回事当然现实中,我们知道没有这回事。

  • We may not arrive at our point within a calculable period but we would preserve the true course .

    或许,我们无法按期到达港口,但至少我们不会偏离 真正 航线

  • The stress sensitivity phenomenon is notable in low permeability reservoir . The experiment research on the stress sensitivity is performed referring to the trade standard in present but this experiment procedure is not consistent with the true course of stress changing .

    低渗透油藏普遍存在应力敏感现象,当前储层应力敏感性实验一般参照行业标准进行,这种实验过程与地下 真实储层应力变化 过程不一致。

  • He now bore off to the right to counteract the possible deviation from his true course .

    为了修正对 正确 路线的偏离,现在,他要朝右开始他那一摇一晃的行程了。

  • The plane made a true course toward Iceland .

    飞机依据以子午线为基准而定的方位取 正确 航向,朝向冰岛飞去。

  • This paper analyze the relationship between the saving energy of agriculture and agriculture modernization and high energy consuming restrict the agriculture modernization process and point out the method to make saving energy of agriculture machine come true and speedup the course of agriculture modernization .

    本文通过分析农机节能与农业现代化的关系以及高能耗农机制约我国农业现代化进程的原因,提出 实现农业机械节能的方法和措施,为加速我国农业现代化 进程提供指导。

  • At all costs any parts of our personality that might interfere with our chosen one true course in life must for the time being be buried .

    无论如何,我们的个性中那些妨碍我们选择 道路的部分都要暂时掩埋起来。

  • That 's not really true of course but that 's what you keep telling yourself so you can justify not putting yourself on the line and risking rejection .

    当然实际不是 这样,那只是你一直对自己说的话。从而给不用搭上自己、逃避被拒绝的风险找到了正当的理由。

  • During one hundred history of American Jewish literature the theme changes and develops slowly which is a true portrayal of American Jewish spirit course .

    纵观美国犹太文学百年发展史,其作品主题随着时代发展而不断演化,这种演化是美国犹太移民心路 历程 真实写照。

  • Well that last part is true of course .

    当然,刚才最后 当然 正确的。

  • It is true that in the course of China 's economic development some companies have pursued profits at the expense of morality .

    在中国经济发展的 进程中,一些企业以出让道德的代价追逐利润,这是不 事实

  • From my true course to fall unmanned and sad .

    真正 航向,在堕落,被阉割,悲伤着。

  • Firstly after understanding the concept of preschool teachers ' integrated course I find that many teachers do not fully understand the true meaning of integrated course and they are influenced by the traditional teaching concept .

    首先深入了解幼儿教师整合课程的理念,发现许多教师并没有完全领会整合 课程 真谛,头脑观念中仍有传统教学理念的影响。

  • Sadly that is not true of course the tragedies of war infective epidemics and famine having done that before .

    当然这并非 事实,过去战争、感染疾病的流行和饥荒的悲剧曾经扼杀了无数人的生命。

  • On the surface it is demonstrated in a thorough-going collection and preservation of historical materials in order to preserve the true course of history ;

    表现到行动层面,就是不遗余力地搜集和保存史料,以求保存历史 轨迹 真实

  • It is true of course that the growth of debt in China has been vast and that a large part of it is dollar denominated .

    当然,中国债务大规模增长而且很大一部分债务以美元计价,这是 事实

  • It is true that without English course college life may become much easier .

    没有英语 ,大学生活 确实会轻松很多。

  • Between the two poles of affirmation and doubt both in the name of love I try to follow my true course .

    在肯定与怀疑的两极之间,我竭力遵循我的 正确 途径

  • Let me find the true course through the many armies .

    让我找到 正确 路线穿过这些军队。

  • ( The same is true for continue . ) Of course in the cases where breaking out of a loop will also exit the method you can simply use a return .

    当然,若想在中断循环的同时退出方法,简单地用一个 return即可。

  • This system utilizes magnetoresistive sensor to induct the environment magnetic field for compass course and get true course from gyrocompass then compare compass course with true course in order to compass deviation .

    本系统采用磁阻传感器来直接敏感合成磁场求得罗航向与从电罗经获得 航向及磁 航向相比较求罗经自差。

  • The same is true of course for those who want to learn Dutch or Danish form an English or German background ;


  • Both of us could conceal ourselves well enough without the Cloak the true magic of which of course is that it can be used to protect and shield others as well as its owner .

    我们俩不用隐形衣就能把自己藏得很好。 当然 ,隐形衣的 真正魔力在于它不仅可以保护和遮蔽主人,还可以用来保护和遮蔽别人。

  • That is why people in their twenties commonly insist what they are doing is the one true course in life .

    这就是为什么二十几岁的人一般会坚持自己正在做得事情是他们生命中的 道路