true fault


  • S : This paper analyze the absence in electrical power system fault data management gives an idea that complete and true fault data coming from real electrical system is a kind of resources and this resource is reducing .

    文章分析了当前电力系统故障数据管理工作的不足,提出了来自于实际电力系统,而且完整 真实 故障数据是资源的概念,并且说明这笔资源正在呈日益减少的趋势。

  • The simulation result shows that the travelling wave methods based on mathematical morphology can reliably act : the theory is simple and is easy to come true the algorithm of fault location can well and truly confirm fault location .

    仿真结果表明,基于数学的行波保护动作可靠,原理简单,易于 实现故障定位算法定位准确,精度高。

  • For true evaluating fault reserve benefit from a new point of view calculating energy loss is advanced . A load following functional simulate new method is attempted .

    提出的从新的角度计算电量损失的算法可更 准确的评估 事故备用效益,并尝试了一种新的负荷跟踪功能的模拟算法。

  • The true basis for which doer bears the obligation of compensation for injury towards sufferer is fault in other words certain infringement of civil duty of care .

    行为人对受害人承担损害赔偿责任的 真正根据是 过错,即某种民事注意义务的违反行为。在过错侵权责任中,行为人对某种民事义务的违反行为是该种侵权责任的最重要的构成要件。

  • At the strain rate of 10s-1 the true stress-strain curves exhibit oscillations apparently this indicate that dynamic recrystallization can be happen though there is the high stacking fault energy for Glass / Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites . 3 .

    在应变速率为10s-1时, 应力- 应变曲线出现明显的波动,说明尽管玻璃/铝基复合材料的层 能比较高,仍可发生动态再结晶。

  • But it is true or false sound combination false and not true false and not tip no sound fault especially manifested in the rapid articulation of the treble up and down the sound through no major change in tone .

    但它真假声结合的特点是,假而不 、假而不尖、声音没有 断层,特别表现在高音区的快速吐字上,上下声音贯通,音色没有大的变化。

  • The algorithm can analyze the new collected data directly without separating the whole time series into pieces and fitting them individually so in the true sense it realizes the online fault detection .

    由于不必将整个时间序列进行分片和单独拟合,算法可以直接处理获取的新数据,实现 真正意义上的在线 故障检测。

  • True Venus is closer to the Sun than we are but the fault is not in our star ;

    当然,金星比我们要离太阳更近,但是 问题并不出在太阳;

  • Plenty of digital simulation calculations and simulation calculations using EMTP electromagnetic transient program indicate that the true fault location can be determined by the modified algorithm .

    大量数字仿真及 EMTP仿真计算表明修正算法可取得唯一区内 根。

  • It introduces cable grounding fault location method and analysis . It provides fast and true method for power supply enterprise to find fault point when cable is failure that is not easy to find .

    介绍了电缆接地故障定位与分析,解决了电缆发生故障不易查找故障点的问题,为生产及供电企业快速 地查找 故障点提供了可以借鉴的方法。

  • True enterprise-level fault tolerance as evident in IBM mainframes is a complex and detailed science covered by a combination of hardware and software .

    真正的企业级 容错(比如IBM大型机中的容错)是一门同时涵盖硬件与软件的复杂而又精细的科学。

  • It is true that it has polluted the air but that is our fault not the fault of modern technology .

    确实它污染了空气,但那是我们的 ,而非现代科技的错。

  • True he replied and my protector is very kind . It 's God 's fault . He gave him the wrong co-ordinates .

    不错,他答道,我的保护人待我非常亲切。对,是上帝的 ,他把一切都搞乱套了。

  • How to discover the incipient fault of power transformers timely and true has been the current research focus of the fault diagnosis of high voltage electric equipment .

    如何及时、 准确地发现变压器内部的早期故障,已成为高压电气设备 故障诊断研究的一个重要方向。

  • To retrieve the true age of last fault activity beth of the above aspects is negligible .

    所以要得到 断层最后一次活动的 真实年龄,应该从以上两方面着手,每一环节都不可忽视。

  • Application of the algorithm ensures that the result of Ucos φ is accurate convergent and the true expressions of the voltages and currents in the site of relay when power swing and three-phase short-circuit fault happens at the same time .

    用此算法求出的Ucosφ数值精度高,收敛性好,更 真实地反映了电力系统振荡过程中发生三相 短路时保护安装处电压和电流的变化;