truncus coeliacus


  • Methods : By applying Seldinger 's technique a catheter was implanted into truncus coeliacus and mesenterica superior artery and the catheter was located at tumor ′ s main supplying vessel .

    方法:采用Seldinger技术将导管 腹腔 动脉及肠系膜上动脉 造影明确肿瘤供血动脉以留置导管。

  • Results : Among 35 aortoarteritis patients peripheral arteries involved including in 29 subclavian 28 common carotid 14 abdominal aorta 14 renal arteries 11 brachiocephalic truncus 5 SMA and 3 coeliacus .

    结果:大动脉炎患者受累血管 分布为锁骨下动脉29例,颈总动脉28例,腹主动脉14例,肾动脉14 ,无名 动脉11例,肠系膜上动脉5 腹腔动脉3