

[化] 维生素P-4,三羟乙基芦丁

  • Results : Other hydroxyethylated rutin derivatives in troxerutin for injection could be separated from other substance .

    结果表明: 芦丁中其他羟乙基芦丁衍生物能与主峰分离。

  • Characteristics and efficacy of troxerutin granules


  • Study on the compatible stability of the troxerutin for injection and other 3 Injections

    注射用 芦丁与3种注射液配伍的稳定性考察

  • Clinical Observation on Combined Application of Urokinase and Troxerutin on Deep Venous Thrombosis in Lower Extremity

    尿激酶 局部溶栓 合用 芦丁治疗下肢深静脉血栓形成的临床观察

  • Method ( 1 ) study the degradation kinetics of Troxerutin at 100 ℃ .

    方法(1)研究了 芦丁在100℃时的热降解动力学。

  • Determination of other hydroxyethylated rutin derivatives in troxerutin for injection by HPLC

    注射用 芦丁中其他羟乙基芦丁衍生物的高效液相色谱法测定

  • Study on Degradation Kinetics of Troxerutin


  • Method : 41 cases of deep venous thrombosis in lower extremity were randomized into therapy group by together application of Urokinase and Troxerutin and control group by local urokinase only .

    方法:将41例下肢深静脉血栓形成的病例随机分为治疗组 21例)局部溶栓加 抗凝治疗;

  • A comparative study of PSS and troxerutin in the treatment of Pseudobulbar Paralysis

    藻酸双酯钠和 芦丁治疗假性延髓麻痹的比较

  • OBJECTIVE To prepare trihydroxyethylrutin refience substance for the HPLC assay of troxerutin .

    目的制备三羟乙基芦丁对照品用于 芦丁的HPLC含量测定。

  • Seventy-two SD male rats were randomly divided into 4 groups : sham operation group ischemia control group kakonein group and troxerutin group with 18 rats in each group .

    取72只雄性SD大鼠随机分为假手术组、缺血对照组、葛根素组 芦丁组4组各18只。

  • The method was simple accurate and could be used for the determination other hydroxyethylat-ed rutin derivatives in troxerutin for injection .

    本方法简便准确,可用于注射用 芦丁中其他羟乙基芦丁衍生物的测定。

  • Determination of the hydroxyethylated rutin derivatives in raw material of troxerutin by HPLC

    HPLC检查 芦丁原料药中其它羟乙基芦丁衍生物

  • Compatible stability of compound infection of Radix salviae Miltiorrhizae and troxerutin injection in the infusion

    复方丹参与 注射液在输液中的配伍稳定性

  • Study the degradation kinetics of Troxerutin at 25 ℃ in acid and alkali surroundings by temperature accelerated test .

    采用温度加速试验法研究了 芦丁的酸碱降解动力学,设计了 pH 13、5、9、11、 13个条件。

  • RESULTS : The resolution between troxerutin and other rutin derivatives was good the precision of relative contents of main impurities was fairly high .

    结果: 芦丁与其它 羟乙基芦丁衍生物分离好,主要杂质相对含量测定结果的精密度高。

  • Effects of troxerutin on blood lipids and atheromatous plaque in rabbits


  • Preparation and structure elucidation of troxerutin


  • Study on Interaction between Troxerutin and Human Serum Albumin ( HSA ) with Fluorescence Method

    荧光法研究 芦丁和人血清白蛋白的相互作用

  • OBJECTIVE : To establish the HPLC method for determination of other hydroxyethylated rutin derivatives in raw material of troxerutin .

    目的:用高效液相色谱法检查 芦丁原料药中其它羟乙基芦丁衍生物。

  • Advances in Troxerutin clinical research


  • The patients in treatment group were treated by Huangqi parenteral solution and ligustrazine however the ones in control group were treated by troxerutin .

    治疗组给予黄芪注射液与川芎嗪氯化 注射液 用,对照组给予 注射液静脉输

  • Analysis on 58 cases of adverse reactions induced by troxerutin injection


  • Conclusion : Combined application of urokinase and troxerutin has valid effects on deep venous thrombosis in lower extremity .

    结论: 尿激酶局部溶栓加 芦丁 抗凝治疗下肢深静脉血栓形成,其疗效明显 优于单独局部溶栓治疗。

  • The fluorescence characteristics of the troxerutin in micellar system were studied .


  • 2.3 The Order of Medication : All experimenters enter group by order Troxerutin injection is the former the next is Safflor yellow injection .

    3给药顺序:所有受试者严格按 就诊 时间顺序入组,给药顺序为 芦丁注射液、注射用红花黄色素(或空白冻干粉针)。

  • Positive cell rate of Bcl-2 : It was higher in the kakonein group than that in the troxerutin group and the ischemia control group ( 0.68 ± 0.11 0.43 ± 0.08 0.39 ± 0.04 P < 0.01 ) .

    Bcl-2阳性细胞率:葛根素组高于 芦丁组和缺血对照组(0.68±0.11±0.08±0.04,P<0.01)。