type of work

[taɪp ʌv wɚk][taip ɔv wə:k]

[化] 工种

  • Is the contractor experienced in this type of work or construction method ?

    承包商是否具有 施工同样 类型建筑的经验?

  • The next screen will ask you to specify the type of work item .

    下一个屏幕将要求您具体说明这个 工作条目的 类型

  • For optimal use of the CPU the number of application threads should be sized relative to the processor count and the type of work the threads are doing .

    为了最优化地使用CPU,应用程序所拥有的线程数目应与处理程序计数和线程 工作 类型相关。

  • Second doing this type of work reduces you to a monkey and although some of your work may be like this to pay the bills why purposely pursue it ?

    其次,做这 工作会把你降格成一只猴子,虽然有时为了支付账单你会偶尔做一些这样的工作,但是为什么要刻意追求它?

  • The Internet has opened up a new type of work environment one that traditionally has been overlooked and ignored .

    网上开辟了 新型 工作环境,而忽略了一个传统上一直置之不理。

  • Migrant workers in China 's reform opening up and the industrialization the urbanization process of a new type of work force promote economic and social development .

    外来务工人员,在中国的改革开放和工业化,城市化进程中的 新型 劳动大军,促进经济和社会发展。

  • Howard : What type of work can she do ?

    霍华德:哪一 工作她做得来?

  • Do you have previous experience of this type of work ?

    你以前有过从事这 工作的经历吗?

  • Have you done this type of work before ?

    你以前做过 这种 活儿吗?

  • Many applications and web servers already have well-optimized solutions for this type of work .

    很多应用程序和web服务器针对 此类 工作已经有了一些很好的解决方案。

  • Select the type of work items that you want to search in from the and type box .

    从“和类型”框中选择要搜索的 工作项的 类型

  • Specify the type of work day change and the range of dates for the change .

    指定 工作日更改的 类型和包括的日期范围。

  • B.State that you are applying for a job and identify the position or type of work you seek .

    表明你是应聘一份工作,并明确说明你所寻求的职位或 工作 类别

  • A scenario is a type of work item recording a single path of user interaction through the system .

    一个方案是一 工作类型,记录系统中的用户交互的单个路径。

  • What type of work have you always wanted to do ?

    你一直都希望做那种 类型 工作

  • The driver is a special type of work occupational hazards are more prone to accidents .

    司机是特殊 工种,职业危险性较大,容易发生交通事故。

  • How does this thinking inform the type of work you want to pursue in your next internship or full-time ?

    这些如何会影响你日后去找什么 的实习或是 工作

  • What type of work environment do you prefer ?

    你希望一个什么 工作环境?

  • Each model corresponds to a type of work product that would be created during the stakeholder 's typical activities .

    每个模型对应于一种 工作产品的 类型,这种 工作产品将在项目主要职涉中的典型活动中创建。

  • I don 't think he 's able enough to do this type of work .

    我认为他不能够胜任 这样 工作

  • Deeply understand the essence of various type of work and their calculation .

    掌握各种 形态 量的实质与计算。

  • Many organisations currently provide funding for systematic reviews and additional agencies are likely to recognise the importance of supporting this type of work in the future .

    许多组织现在都为系统性评价提供基金,并且其它代理也可能承认了将来支持这一 类型 工作的重要性。

  • What type of work do you do ? I 'm an electrical engineer .

    你做 什么 工作?我是电机工程师?

  • In choosing a career you should first consider the type of work which will suit your interest .

    选择职业的时候首先要考虑的是这个 工作你是否有兴趣。

  • Point to create work item and click the type of work item to create .

    指向“创建工作项”,然后单击要创建的 工作项的 类型

  • The work item form has fields states and transitions that are relevant to the type of work item and affect how you use those work items to track your work .

    工作项表单具有与 工作类型相关的字段、状态和转换,这些内容会影响您使用这些工作项跟踪工作的方式。

  • I found the type of work for which I had come-to write about china 's revolution for my fellow americans .

    我找到了我为此来到中国的 工作,那就是为我的美国同胞写中国革命。

  • All prestressing work shall be under the immediate control of a person experienced in this type of work .

    所有预应力施加工程应由经验丰富的人员 进行即时监控。

  • They show great interest in doing this type of work .

    他们对 这种 工作感兴趣。