


  • You think I should rent a tux or is that too stuffy ?

    你觉得我是该租 礼服还是怎样?

  • Where he has to wear a mask and a tux ?

    要他戴面具, 还要 穿 礼服

  • Let me take him shopping this afternoon for the tux .

    下午让我带他去买 礼服吧。

  • The industrial application result is shown that the captured sulfur rate may reach more than 40 % when TUX - GL series assistant captured sulfur agent added into clean coal production .

    工业应用表明,采用 合适 TUX-GL系列助固硫剂生产的洁净煤,固硫率可达40%以上。

  • Red Flag 's logo is Tux carrying a prominent red flag .

    红旗的标志是 企鹅携带一个突出的红旗。

  • Finnegan will wear a multilayered white gown and Fulmore will be in a tux with tapered tails to ensure their clothes don 't reveal too much .

    芬妮根穿的是多层的白色婚纱,她和 福尔摩的礼服一样,下摆都要拖长些,以免不小心走光。

  • Because the tux fit me .

    因为这 礼服 适合我。

  • Not only in the standard tux but in alternative evening wear : velvet jackets pattern jackets in paisleys and silks .

    不仅仅是标准的 tux,还有其它种类的晚装:天鹅绒上衣、涡纹花呢和丝绸剪裁的上衣。

  • You couldn 't put on a tux ?

    你就不能穿 礼服吗?

  • I bet this tux is just your size .

    我打赌这 燕尾 刚好 你的身材。

  • As for Justin with his tux and his side-slicked hair ?

    至于贾斯汀的 燕尾服和老式发型?

  • Put a tux on wearing a white waistcoat .

    穿 礼服,白背心。

  • It says black tie which means tux .

    上面说“ 领带”就是 礼服的意思。

  • I wore my first tux this year to the White House Correspondents'dinner .

    在今年白宫的记者招待会上,我第一次 穿 礼服

  • Masculine military style jacket a black tux complete with a slim ruffled satin shirt .

    如有阳刚之风的军款茄克和一件黑色 礼服 搭配一件贴身的褶边缎质衬衫。

  • I 'm glad I didn 't put my tux back into storage .

    还好我没有把 礼服 起来

  • You mean * How when I put on a tux .

    你是怕我穿上 燕尾

  • This paper prores the complex singular square matrix T which is tux power zero matrices product A and B moreover matrices A band T hare the same rank except 22 rank I power zero matrix T.

    证明了复奇异 方阵T是两个幂零矩阵A和B的乘积,且除T是一个秩为1的2×2阶幂零矩阵外有A、B、T的秩相同。

  • Damn he 's looking mighty fine in that tux .

    “见鬼,他穿那 西服 帅呆了。”

  • And the guests so exclaimed at how well he looked in his tux that an inexperienced observer might easily have thought the Don himself was the lucky groom .

    客人们如此地惊呼,他穿着他的 正式 礼服看上去是多么地好,以至于一个没有经验的观察者可能很容易地以为堂自己是那个幸运的新郞。

  • A black tux with white shirt and black bow tie is the best way to go .

    黑色西装 礼服加白衬衫、黑领结是最 保险的穿法。

  • Yuck ! The guy 's wearing a tux .

    呦!那位仁兄穿起 礼服 了。

  • Do you think I bought the right tux ?

    你觉得我买了合适的 礼服吗?

  • My tux is in the bags in baltimore .

    我的 礼服 在巴尔的摩了。

  • Indeed it 's easy to imagine the skinny trousers cute blouses and one very cool short tux dress moving briskly out of shops the world over .

    实际上,我们很容易想象出,这些细长裤、漂亮上衣和一款很酷的短 男式 礼服,会迅速在全球店铺中销售出去。