But I bet Mark Twain would .
但我打赌马克 吐温会的。
Twain 's countrymen thought he had succeeded in each of these aims .
马克 ? 吐温的同胞认为他已经达到了这些目标。
Mark Twain and Samuel Clemens were one and the same .
马克 吐温和塞缪尔克莱门斯是一个人。
Mark Twain tried several ways in making speeches butfailed .
马克 吐温尝试了几种演讲的方法,但都失败了。
I have never taken any exercise except sleeping and resting .
Mark Twain我从来没有任何运动,除了睡觉和休息。
And they prepared the way for mark twain : he came up through their ranks .
他们给马克 ? 吐温 铺平了道路:他是从他们的行列里崛起的。
Maybe that 's the reason why I 'm not an idealist and materialist because I love Mark Twain .
也许这就是我不是一个理想主义者,和物质主义者的原因。因为我喜欢马克 吐温 。
Books and articles flowed from twain and each increased his reputation as america 's greatest humorist .
书籍和文章从 马克 ? 吐温那里源源而来,每一种都能增加他这个美国最伟大的幽默作家的声誉。
Mark Twain poked fun at it in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur 's Court .
People appreciate working with Mark Twain because he has a good sense of humor .
人们喜欢和马克 。 吐温一起工作,因为他很有幽默感。
Samuel Clemens who was known as Mark Twain became a famous American writer .
塞缪斯·克莱门斯,以 马克·吐温知名,成了美国名作家。
Nothing so needs reforming as other people 's habits ( Mark Twain ) .
“没有比其他人的习惯更需要改善的东西了”( 马克·吐温)。
I can live for two months on a good compliment said Mark Twain .
“一句赞美可以支撑我活两个月。”马克 • 吐温说。
Three of Mark Twain 's most famous books describe people on this great river & the Mississippi River .
马克 。 吐温最著名的三本小说描写了这条伟大的河流&密西西比河边的人们。
Mark Twain 's works are characterized by humor and biting satire .
马克 ? 吐温的作品以幽默和尖锐的讽刺为特色。
The book tells us about mark twain 's life as well as about his writings .
这本书既谈了马克 ? 吐温的作品,又谈了他的生平。
He has rightly praised huckleberry finn and mark twain 's great incidental achievement in it and his another work of creating a prose-style suited to the American ethos .
他正确地称赞了《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》和 马克·吐温无意中获得的伟大成就,在这部和其他作品里,创造了一种符合美国民族精神的散文文体。
Mark twain : the news of its crossing has been greatly exaggerated .
马克吐温: 鸡过马路的消息被过份夸大了。
Have you read Mark Twain .
你读过马克 • 吐温 的 作品 吗?
This is a passage quoted from Mark Twain .
只是从马克 ? 吐温 著作中引用的一段话。
So were Thomas Edison Mark Twain and Susan B.Anthony .
就像耶稣教徒之一的爱迪生和苏珊和 安东尼。
Mark Twain went to sleep .
马克 . 吐温就睡着了。
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it .
Mark Twain 爱国 主义就是 永远支持你的祖国,并在你的政府配得上你的支持的时候支持它。
He was reading a book which was written by mark twain .
他在读一本马克 吐温写的书。
Mark Twain is my favorite writer .
马克 • 吐温是我最喜欢的作家。
I read from Mark Twain 's lips one or two of his good stories .
我还通过 触摸 马克 · 吐温的嘴唇而阅读了他的一两篇小说。
I love Mark Twain & who does not ?
我喜欢马克 · 吐温&又有谁会不喜欢他呢?
Mark Twain is a conspicuous example .