two-dimensional gas

[ˈtudɪˈmɛnʃənəl ɡæs][ˈtu:dɪˈmenʃənəl ɡæs]


  • Methods The chemical constituents were extracted by solvent and the relative content and structure of ferulic acid in RPC were determined and identified using GC-TOFMS technique . Methodology of Comprehensive Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography / Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for Complex Sample Analysis

    方法溶剂提取,气相色谱-飞行时间质谱测定和分析其含量和结构。全 二维 相色谱/飞行时间质谱用于复杂体系分析的方法学研究

  • In the model ESP & 801 two-dimensional gas chromatograph the total transfer can be performed by the adjustable supplemental flow in order to meet a demand for the quantitative analysis of 2 ~ floatation oil .

    在ESP&801型 二维 相色谱仪(样机)上,通过辅助气流的调节,实现了全切换,以满足对2~浮选油定量分析的要求。

  • Determination of benzene and toluene in gasoline by two-dimensional gas chromatography and capillary column Determination of Dibenzothiophene by Using Solid Phase Micro-extraction Coupled to High Performance Liquid Chromatography

    采用 二维 相色谱及毛细管色谱柱分析汽油中苯和甲苯的含量固相微萃取-液相色谱法测定水中二苯并噻吩

  • Principles Methods and Applications of Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography

    二维 相色谱的原理、方法及应用概述

  • Two-dimensional electron gas density and electron mobility are two important factors which affect the power performance of InP PHEMT devices .

    电子迁移率(μn)和 二维电子 (2-DEG)面密度(ns)是影响InPPHEMT器件功率性能的两个重要因素。

  • Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography ( GC × GC ) is a new method which is especially suitable to separate volatilizable and semi-volatilizable samples .

    二维 相色谱(GC×GC)作为一种新的色谱技术,尤其适用于挥发、半挥发性复杂样品的分离。

  • Separation Characteristics of Comprehensive Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography in Analyzing Petroleum Samples

    石油样品全 二维 相色谱分析的分离特性

  • A model of three-dimensional asymmetric square potential well is given and some properties of the two-dimensional electron gas in semiconductor quantum well are studied the quantum energy level and Fermi energy are obtained and discussed .

    利用提出的三维不对称方势阱模型,对半导体量子阱中 二维电子 的性质进行了研究,确定其量子能级和费米能量,并对有关结果进行了讨论。

  • Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Tobacco Flavor

    烟用香精的全 二维 相色谱-飞行时间质谱定性分析

  • A two-dimensional gas chromatographic method without valve_switching is described .

    介绍一种无阀切换的 二维 相色谱分析方法。

  • High resolution calculation of unsteady two-dimensional nonequilibrium gas dynamics with experimental comparisons

    二维非定常化学非平衡 流动高精度数值模拟及其与实验的比较

  • Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography ( GC × GC ) is a new separation technology with high resolution and sensitivity developed in recent years .

    二维 相色谱(GC×GC)是近年发展起来的一种高分辨率、高灵敏度的分离技术。

  • The two-dimensional electron gas with high density formed at AlGaN / GaN heterostructure screens the impurity scattering and increases the electron mobility .

    AlGaN/GaN异质结产生高密度的 二维电子 ,屏蔽了杂质和缺陷的散射,改善了低场输运性能。

  • Secondly we study the stability of the topological superfluid phase in a trapped two-dimensional Fermi gas with spin-orbit coupling in a harmonic trapping potential .

    然后,我们系统地研究了谐振势阱中的自旋轨道耦合的 极化 费米 气体中的拓扑超流相的稳定性。

  • Experimental Investigation on Two-Dimensional Unsteady Gas Flow in an Exhaust Manifold

    排气管中 二维非定常流动的试验研究

  • Full two-dimensional gas chromatography / time of flight mass spectrum ( GC × GC / TOFMS ) were applied in the analysis of microconstituents in liquor . Besides the microconstituents in main liquors of traditional flavor were compared .

    用全 二维 相色谱/飞行时间质谱(GC×GC/TOFMS)研究白酒中微量成分,并对我国主要传统香型白酒中微量成分进行了比较。

  • The detection of ultra-trace carbon monoxide in gases with FID two-dimensional gas chromatograph

    用FTD 二维 相色谱检测气体中超微量的一氧化碳

  • Influence of Surface States on Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in AlGaN / GaN Heterostructure

    表面态对AlGaN/GaN异质结构中 二维电子 的影响

  • Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography / time-of-flight mass spectrometry ( GC × GC-TOFMS ) has been applied for characterization of volatile and semi-volatile alkaline compounds in ori-ental tobacco leaf .

    建立了烟叶中挥发性、半挥发性碱性化合物组成研究的全 二维 相色谱/飞行时间质谱(GC×GC/TOFMS)分析方法,并用所建立的方法对香料烟中碱性化合物进行了表征。

  • Transport properties of two-dimensional electron gas ( 2DEG ) are crucial to metamorphic high-electron-mobility transistors ( MM-HEMT ) .

    在变缓冲层高迁移率晶体管(MMHEMT)器件中, 二维电子 的输运性质对器件性能起着决定作用。

  • Determination of Aromatics in Light Petroleum Products by Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography

    二维 相色谱用于轻质石油馏分中芳烃含量的测定

  • AlGaN / GaN heterojunction has become a new hot spot in the present due to its high concentration of two-dimensional electron gas .

    AlGaN/GaN异质结由于其高浓度的 二维电子 成为目前研究的新热点。

  • Effects of Periodic Magnetic Field on the Thermal Transport Properties of Two-Dimensional Electron Gas

    周期磁场对 二维电子 热学输运特性的影响

  • The volatile and semi-volatile acidic components in tobacco were analyzed qualitatively by ( comprehensive ) two-dimensional gas chromatography / time-of-flight mass spectrometry ( GC × GC / TOFMS ) and GC / TOFMS .

    采用全 二维 相色谱/飞行时间质谱(GC×GCTOFMS)法和GCTOFMS定性分析了烟草中挥发性、半挥发性酸性物质。

  • The valence band structure of p-type heterostructure quantum well and two-dimensional hole gas are calculated by this method and the reduced finite difference calculation .

    使用这种方法和简化的有限差分算出了p型半导体量子阱的价带结构和 二维空穴

  • Detection of TNT in explosive residues by two-dimensional gas chromatography

    二维 相色谱检测爆炸残留物中TNT

  • Dynamical phase transition and self-organized critical phenomena in the two-dimensional gas lattice model


  • The thermodynamic properties of two-dimensional Bose gas in the q distribution Coherent atom-trimer conversion in a repulsive Bose-Einstein condensate

    q分布下 二维玻色 气体的热力学性质量子超化学中的类双缝干涉:玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚原子-三聚物相干转化

  • Analysis of trace alkynes in mixed C_4 fractions by two-dimensional gas chromatography

    二维 相色谱技术分析混合碳四馏分中微量炔烃

  • Spin Properties of the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in Al_xGa_ ( 1-x ) N / GaN Heterostructures

    AlxGa(1-x)N/GaN异质结构中 二维电子 的自旋性质