


  • The convulsed twitching of her cheeks .

    她双颊的 抽搐 变形

  • His hand and shoulder were twitching from the unlooked-for contact .

    由于这不期而遇的相逢,他的手和肩部在 抽搐

  • My eye is twitching .

    我的 眼皮

  • This phase is followed by twitching and jerking and the victim will lapse into a coma and suffocate as a consequence of convulsive spasms .

    这个阶段之后将出现 和痉挛现象,受害者将由于抽搐痉挛而陷入昏迷和窒息状态。

  • The animals were twitching their ears to drive off the flies .

    动物 抽动耳朵来赶走苍蝇。

  • The twitching degree differ paroxysmal fast and not for the law of the seizure .


  • All that is needed to accomplish the radio control of the brain is a twitching muscle .

    所需要完成的是无线电波来控制脑部肌肉的 抽动

  • Exciting by touching lightly so as to cause laughter or twitching movements .

    为轻轻的触摸而激动,以至 发笑或者 颤抖

  • The woman developed lightheadedness dyspnoea tongue numbness muscle twitching and formication on the legs and back .

    这位妇女出现头晕、吸困难、头麻木、肉 抽搐、肢和背部走蚁感。

  • The silence around struck fear into him . The child in a spasm kept twitching his arms and legs .

    四周的静寂使他心里很害怕。那个害痉挛的孩子四肢不断 抽搐

  • He stopped twitching but he didn 't seem to know who or where he was .

    他不再 抽搐了,但是他看上去好像不知道自己是谁,也不知道这是什么地方。

  • Restlessness anxiety confusion and twitching may also precede convulsions .

    惊厥前也可出现躁动,烦躁,错觉, 抽搐等症状。

  • With the drooling the twitching and muttering to yourself .

    你流着口水, ,自言自语。

  • He saw the dog 's twitching nose poke out of the basket

    他看到那只狗一 的鼻子从篮子里冒出来。

  • But Miss Pross suddenly became afflicted with a twitching in the head and body and retired into the house .

    可是普洛丝小姐却感到头和身子一 抽地痛,便回屋里去了。

  • The child in a spasm kept twitching his arms and legs .

    那个害痉挛的孩子四肢不断地 抽搐

  • They had all laughed but Lucy had felt her flesh twitching between her legs .

    他们都在笑,而露西感到她的肉 她的两腿间 抽搐

  • She peered into his face and circled around him her nose twitching .

    她细细地看着他的脸,绕着他 走动不时 抽动 下鼻子。

  • When I responded skeptically he accused me of being negative and began twitching like a disco dancer .

    我提出怀疑时,他指责我消极,并开始像个跳迪斯科的那样 抽动

  • With its long ears twitching nose and adorable hopping ability the individual rabbit is fairly cute .

    看上去,长长的耳朵, 抽动的鼻子和蹦蹦跳跳的可爱姿势,兔子真的是可爱得不行。当然,这只是针对一只兔子而言。

  • But the twitching should stop right about * Now .

    但是 震颤 这会儿就要结束了。

  • My hand keeps twitching and just has to help itself whether I want to or not .

    我无法 控制自己,我的 不想偷,可手却 不听 指挥,非要 钱不可!

  • My eyelids keep twitching all the time .


  • Banks made large losses long before depositors started twitching .

    在储户开始 战栗之前很久,银行就开始出现巨额亏损了。

  • One white plump leg was incessantly moving with a rapid spasmodic twitching .

    一条雪白的大粗腿快速不停地、像发疟疾似的 抖动

  • Other signs can include meowing growling skin twitching and cessation of purring .

    还可能的信号有:发出喵声,咆哮,皮肤 抽搐和停止了(满足时)呜呜叫。

  • Fortunately eye twitching is almost always benign and usually goes away by itself .

    不过幸运地是, 眼皮 一般都是良性的,通常会自然消失。

  • And the twitching has gotten worse ?


  • All of them show and report victims with breathing difficulties people twitching with spasms coughing rapid heartbeats foaming at the mouth unconsciousness and death .

    所有报道都显示和叙述遭攻击的人呼吸困难, 抽搐痉挛,咳嗽,心跳加速,口吐白沫,丧失知觉,死亡。