twisted-pair network

[计] 双扭线网络

  • Equalization techniques are always one of the fatal techniques in twisted-pair access network .

    均衡技术一直是 绞线 接入 研究的重点之一。

  • Summarize coaxial-cable twisted-pair light-cable and discuss the application and development in network .

    概述了同轴电缆、 绞线、光缆三种网络线缆及其 网络中的应用和发展。

  • The utility model has the special function of detecting the wrong twisted error of the twisted-pair cables so as to guarantee the communication quality of the network .

    其特殊功能在于它可以检测出 绞线电缆的“错绞”故障,确保 网络的通讯质量。

  • The shield twisted-pair was used to link with PROFIBUS field bus network layer .

    PROFIBUS现场总线 网络层采用屏蔽 绞线连接。

  • Traditional wire line access network is based on DSL technology twisted-pair copper network . It can only provide very limit network bandwidth .

    传统的有线接入网是基于DSL技术的铜缆 绞线 网络,其提供的带宽能力非常有限。

  • It uses Radio Frequency technology instead of old local area network with twisted-pair copper wire and makes the wireless local area network use simple architecture which allows users to access .

    它利用射频的技术,取代旧式的 双绞 铜线构成的局域网络,使得无线局域 网络能利用简单的存取架构让用户 透过

  • In addition the definition for twisted-pair is different in different network standard .

    另外,不同 网络标准中对 绞线 线脚定义也是不同的。