type of string

[taɪp ʌv strɪŋ][taip ɔv striŋ]

[计] 串类型

  • Structural behavior of a new type of beam string structure for glass roofs

    用于玻璃采光顶的 新型 张弦梁结构 及其受力性能研究

  • The steel roof of the exhibition hall adopts a new type of space structure-the prestressed spatial truss string structure with a span of 126.6m which is the longest span in China .

    展览大厅钢屋盖采用跨度 126.6米的预应力张 立体桁架结构,是该 结构在国内最新应用的、也是跨度最大的工程。

  • Similar considerations apply if we change the type of the first parameter from String to int.

    如果将第一个参数的 类型String变成int,那么也得考虑相同的问题。

  • Create an interface which takes as input the business object and as output a type of string .

    创建一个接口,将业务对象作为输入,将 字符串 类型作为输出。

  • A language construct that describes a data type by means of a model character string literal .

    字符串的数值文字描述数据 类型的一种语言成分。

  • A new type of spatial structure & beam string structure

    新型空间结构形式& 张弦梁结构

  • The type of each parameter whether it is a string or a business object must be the same .

    每个参数的 类型(无论是 字符串还是业务对象)必须相同。

  • First you can take the same approach as you did with properties ; you can serialize the required arguments together into a single type of string .

    首先,可以采用与处理复杂属性相同的方法;可以将所需的多个参数序列化在一起,形成一个 字符串 类型的参数。

  • Rename the input to name with a type of string .

    将输入重命名为name, 类型string

  • Prefabricated chunk refers to various type of word string which appears to be stored and retrieved whole from memory .

    预制语块是英语学习的重要内容 之一,它 介于语法和词汇之间,是整体习得并储存在记忆中的范例。

  • Rename the output to nameVerified with a type of string .

    将输出重命名为nameVerified, 类型string

  • Change the type of the input from string to TradeObject .

    将输入 类型string更改为TradeObject。

  • If no appropriate EGL type is selected for a UML primitive type then a default of String type will be created .

    如果对于一个UML原始 类型没有合适的EGL类型选择,那么将会创建一个默认 String类型。

  • In reference of the characteristics and influencing factors of the thread seal this paper studied the determination method of leak off resistance of tubing and casing threads and the selection of thread type for design job of string pipe .

    文中结合API螺纹密封的特点和影响因素,论述了油、套管螺纹泄漏抗力的确定方法及螺纹 形式的选择,以供管 设计时参考。

  • String data type is a representation of string literals .

    String数据 类型代表 字符串字面值。

  • For instance there is only one type of knot where a string crosses itself three times known as a trefoil .

    比如说,当一条 线绳自己缠绕三次后,只能形成一 绳结,被称为三叶结。

  • OWL lets you specify the type of these properties so hostname would be string whilst operating system might be an enumeration with specific options specified .

    用OWL可以指定这些属性的 类型,比如主机名是 字符串 类型,而操作系统则有可能是一个特定选项已经指定的枚举类型。

  • The AddressDisplay object has two parts : the type of address and a formatted address string .

    AddressDisplay对象有两部分:地址 类型和一个格式化的地址 字符串

  • In the New Feature dialog type longitude in the entry field accept the default data type of String and click OK .

    在NewFeature对话框中,在entry框中输入longitude,接受默认数据 类型 String,单击OK。

  • You know from this result that inserting this type of string would not result in a successful login attempt so the site is not vulnerable to this type of attack .

    从这个结果可以知道,插入该 类型 字符串不会导致成功的登录尝试,所以站点不容易受到这种类型的攻击。

  • As a new type of space structure the concept of Beam String Structure ( BSS ) was proposed by Japanese Professor M.

    张弦梁结构作为一种 新型 空间结构,其概念是由日本的M。

  • You can use either type of quotation mark to indicate a string in Python as long as you 're consistent .

    您可以使用任意一 引号来表示Python中的 字符串,只要引号一致就行。

  • The paper presents the application and features of each type of testing string .

    对各种 的适用范围和性能特点进行了介绍。

  • Another example usage would be to extract a specific type of value from a string .

    另一个用例是从 字符串中提取特定 类型 值。

  • For example the name of a mobile phone will have a type of string .

    例如一部手机的“name”的数据 类型就是“ string”。

  • While the data type of input data is a string type this paper realized a statistical method based on general general suffix tree model for frequent string .

    对输入数据的 类型字符型的聚合函数,实现了一种基于通用后缀树(GST)表示的字符串频率统计方法。

  • Currently the AuthProviderSpecificID is composed from a type field indicating the type of entry and some ID string .

    当前,AuthProviderSpecificID由一个类型字段(表示条目的 类型)和某个ID 字符串组成。

  • In a nutshell facets further restrict a simple type by specifying the maximum length of a string or the upper and lower limits of a number .

    本质上,刻面通过规定 字符串的最大长度或者数字的上下限来进一步限制简单 类型

  • Tower type make-up of string composed of heavy gauge drill collars had a better effect on preventing borehole deviation and it could effectively improve the drilling speed when matching with the suitable drilling parameters and selecting the drilling bits ;

    大尺寸钻铤 塔式 钻具组合防斜效果较好,匹配合适的钻井参数并优选钻头,则能有效提高钻井速度;

  • Selection of insulator type number of insulator string and air space is the main basis of transmission line insulation coordination .

    输电线路的绝缘配合主要是选择绝缘子 型式、绝缘子 的片数和空气间隙。