type prefix

[taɪp ˈpriˌfɪks][taip ˈpri:fiks]

[计] 类型前缀

  • The key is a simple string with the type prefix ( set before or after ) and the attribute or method name involved .

    关键是一个具有 类型 前缀(set、before或者after)和所涉及的属性和方法的简单字符串。

  • The simulation can be seen that an effective monitoring mechanism based on the joint type prefix hijacking AS group to detect the path of the hijacked prefix hijacking attacks and other prefix hijacking attacks . 2 .

    通过仿真可以看出,基于AS小组的联合 前缀劫持监测机制能够有效的检测出路径劫持的前缀劫持攻击和其他前缀劫持攻击。

  • There are two versions of each type of operator often called the prefix and postfix versions .

    对每种 类型的运算符,都有两个版本可供选用;通常将其称为 前缀版和后缀版。

  • To define and manage the artifact templates I created a directory called Templates in my project folder and then add one artifact for each type by using a TMPL_ prefix .

    为了定义和管理构件模板,我在项目文件夹中创建了一个名称为Templates的目录,然后使用TMPL 前缀为每个 类型添加一个构件。

  • The type can include a namespace prefix .

    类型可以包括命名空间 前缀

  • These exchanges are named after the their type with a prefix of amq . e.g.

    这些交换器的命名规则是 amq. 前缀 类型名。

  • They can be identified by the prefix Rate Type in the parameter map key .

    可根据参数映射键中的 前缀Rate Type加以识别。

  • A topic expression is defined in terms of expression type fully qualified topic name and prefix mapping .

    主题表达式包含表达式 类型、完全限定主题名称和 前缀映射。

  • Therefore this method records the full path expression of every type of XML node and preserves the relationship between them through a special numbering which is described by prefix and sequence number .

    该方法依据XML的数据模型,采用 前缀 序号的 方式对XML文档的各类节点加以编码,达到保留节点关系的作用,同时记录各节点的完整路径表达式。

  • Note that the @ type attribute which indicates whether a company is public or private does not include a namespace prefix .

    注意, @type表明一家公司是公开招股公司还是私人公司,该属性没有包括名称空间 前缀

  • The important information includes timestamp protocol type port number packets byte I / O interface operator and prefix etc.

    这些信息包括:时标、协议的 类型、端口号数、包数、字节数和输入输出的接口、 前缀等重要信息。