


  • Research and Implementation of Column Scanning Control for Laser Typesetter

    激光 照排 机场扫描控制的研究与实现

  • In the drum type laser typesetter the screw with laser beam heads moves continuously when the drum is rotating and the film is scanned line by line .

    滚筒式激光 照排 采用 线扫描的方式,当滚筒旋转扫描时,带有激光头的丝杠以 均匀 速度不停地平移。

  • Computerised editing and laser typesetting semi-electronic typesetter

    计算机-激光编辑排版半电子式照相 排字

  • That damn typesetter took me for two hundred bucks .

    这个该死的 排字 工人 我要了200美元。

  • One that sets written material into type ; a typesetter . A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that a periodontist places into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge .

    排字 把书面材料置于 版面上的 工人排版工种植牙是一种通过专科医生植入颌骨的人工牙根,用以镶复牙冠或牙桥。

  • Electronic manuscript : Typesetting data stored in magnetic media such AS disk or tape supplied to a publisher or typesetter by the author .

    电子文稿:由作者交给出版社或 排版 公司的文字稿,它贮存于磁性介体如磁碟或磁带上。是直接的排字资料。

  • Revolving cylinder type semi-electronic typesetter

    转鼓式半电子照相 排字

  • Research on Laser Typesetter Rotor Dynamic Balance System

    激光 照排 转子动平衡系统的研究

  • Finally he became a typesetter for John t.west 's printery .

    最后终于在约翰韦斯特印刷厂当了一名 排字工。

  • Circuit for Phase Locked in Laser Typesetter with Scan Deflector

    激光 照排 中的锁相电路

  • This paper briefly describes the principle and operation process of electronic publishing systems analyzes some kinds of electrooptical transformation and points out the advantages of acoustooptic modulator used for electro-optical transformation device in laser typesetter .

    介绍电子出版系统的基本原理及工作过程,分析了几种电光转换方式,指出了在激光 照排 中用声光调制器作为电光转换器件的优点。

  • With the development of the modern printing industry the laser typesetter is applied widely as the pivotal export equipment of the modern printing technology .

    随着现代印刷业的发展,激光 照排 作为现代印刷技术的关键输出设备被广泛应用。

  • Chapter two analyzed the principle of the type setter vibration caused by the rotor unbalance combining the actual conditions of the laser typesetter introduced the expression of unbalance quantity and categorized method .

    第二章分析了转子不平衡引起激光照排机振动的原理,结合激光 照排 的实际情况,介绍了不平衡量的表示和分类方法。

  • The above should not be construed to mean that you are to become a typesetter .

    以上并非说你应成为一个 排版

  • The testing results from the self-testing grid indicated that the synchronization accuracy of scanning motor and the imaging quality of laser typesetter was both improved .

    通过自检方格的测试证明,该系统提高了激光 照排 扫描电机的同步控制精度,从而提高了激光 照排 的成像质量。

  • Drum type laser typesetter : It outputs positive or negative films of high quality .

    滚筒型激光 照排 :输出质量很高的正片或负片。

  • ? The principle of laser typesetter and fundamental measure methods of moire is introduced .

    介绍了激光 照排 的原理及莫尔条纹测量技术的基本方法。

  • Full electronic typesetter computerized matrix grid photo type setting

    全电子 照相 排字 字模 版式计算机 排版

  • This revolting machine is the typesetter .

    这个讨厌的机器,就是 排版