typhoid bacillus

[ˈtaɪˌfɔɪd bəˈsɪləs][ˈtaɪˌfɔɪd bəˈsiləs]


  • Bacteriostasis effects to vibrio cholerae and to typhoid fever bacillus could be seen when the density of the rude product of immuno globulin ( Ig ) reached 1.0 mg / mL in the culture .

    当提取物中的Ig以终浓度为1.0mg/mL加入到霍乱弧菌和 伤寒 杆菌的培养液中时,能有效地抑制霍乱弧菌和 伤寒 杆菌的生长。

  • The lowest inhibiting bacteria density of Type A Streptococcus hemolyticus typhoid bacillus Staphylococcus epidermidis was 50mg / ml and the lowest density of Bacillus subtilis was 200mg / ml.

    对甲型溶血链球菌、 伤寒 杆菌、表皮葡萄球菌的最低抑菌浓度为50mg/ml,对枯草芽孢杆菌最低抑菌浓度为200mg/m。

  • Apply of Immunoassay of Typhoid Bacillus Antigen and LPS-PHA on the Early Diagnosis of Typhoid

    伤寒 杆菌抗原酶免法、LPS-PHA在伤寒早期诊断中的应用

  • Patients with positive identification of typhoid bacillus in blood excrement or urine train packs were classified as confirmed cases .

    血或粪便培养副 伤寒 杆菌阳性,或血清 反映 辅助 诊断意义的定为确诊病例。

  • Typhoid bacillus was found in 6 cases while doing the blood culture .

    6个病例血培养检出 伤寒 杆菌