type style

[taɪp staɪl][taip stail]


  • Type style : Referred to a particular family member of a typeface such as italic or bold etc.


  • In the evolution process of the picking poems from the Pre-Qin to the Six Dynasties poetry it has formed the basic theme of the type and style in order to make the foundation for the development of this poetry after the Tang .

    先秦至六朝的采摘诗在发展演变的过程中,已经形成了基本的题材 类型和诗歌 风貌,为唐以后采摘诗的发展奠定了基础。

  • The western classification according to the country different points the British French Russian German meaning type style etc.

    西餐的分类,按照国家不同分法式、英式、意 、俄式、德式等。

  • The academia only researches practical writing 's theme material configuration expression language type and style of writing etc.

    当今学术界对应用文的研究往往停留在物质层面和行为层面,着重探讨应用文的主题、材料、结构、表达、语言, 体裁文风等物质要素和写作的方法、技巧等实际操作问题。

  • Use in Mine of a Mine Use General Type Wooden Style High-pressure Vacuum Switch Cabinet

    矿用一般 手车 高压真空开关柜在矿井中的正确使用

  • Old Sung style : A traditional . Chinese type style characterised by the contrast of their thin horizontal and thick vertical strokes .

    老宋体:传统的中文 字体 款式。特点是笔划的横线极幼而直线极粗,造成强烈对比。

  • The competent leadership behavior has a significant impact to hotel interns ' work values . High specification and high care type leadership style were favorable for the formation of hotel interns work values . 5 .

    主管领导行为对酒店实习生的职业价值观有显著的影响,高规范、高关怀 的领导 方式有利于酒店实习生职业价值观的形成。

  • A term used with respect to graphic character to identify type or style ( bold face an OCR face ) .

    一种关于图形字符的术语,用以确定其 类型字体,如黑体、光学字符体。

  • In report language it uses one kind of sounds and talk to discuss the type of style .

    在报道语言上,它采用了一种娓娓而谈、讨论 风格

  • The learning style means that when students fulfill study task process their basic manner and perceiving orientation deep layer learning style and achievement type learning style .

    学习方式是指学生在完成学习任务过程时基本的行为和认知取向。自主性、探究性、合作性是学习 方式的基本 特征

  • Type and Style of Writing of Yearbook and Clauses and Sub - clauses The Type of Writing in Entries of Yearbooks

    年鉴条目的 文体 文风

  • Create components of type Style for header footer and body components on each page .

    在每个页面上为标题、脚注和正文组件创建 Style 类型的组件。

  • The same performance in the Chinese print advertisements and rhetorical sentence the sentence aspects include the use of methods of language rhetoric including suggestions style language style rhyme metaphor type called upon the type style and suggestive questions .

    汉印广告词的相同表现在句式与修辞方面,句式方面包括语言的运用方法,修辞方面包括建议式、韵语式、比喻式、吁请 、提问和暗示

  • A New Slanting Printed Character Correction Method Letter-form : The shape of letters or style of types . For example : italic bold etc. Also called Type style .

    一种新的倾斜印刷体字符的校正方法字型:绘画字体或印刷字体的形状,例如:斜体、 黑体等等。

  • The so-called marginalized or even adjacent to the forth coming The Art of species type style combine thereby creating a new artistic characteristics .

    所谓边缘化,即将相邻的甚至不同的艺术品种、 类型风格结合在一起,从而产生出新的艺术特色。

  • The attributes of style type and style degree support the design of fashion style . The attributes of key line and key point support the combination of fashion parts .

    数据库的风格 类型 风格值属性字段用于支持款式的风格化设计,关键线和关键点属性字段用于支持部件的拼接。

  • The research of form mechanism mainly investigates the constitutional characteristics of lexicon and syntax in homophonic message discourse and the type of Style .

    形式机制主要研究谐音短信语篇的词汇和句法的构成特点,以及 语体形式的构成 类型

  • For Chinese women literary their novel writing not only opened up rich themes and subjects but also set up new type and style of women writing .

    对于中国女性文学而言,她们的小说创作不仅开辟和丰富了女性书写的题材空间与主题领域,而且树立了女性叙事的崭新 文体 范式与写作 风格

  • This chapter first discusses the Pan sad eulogy text of the topic type style and then the Pan sorrow Memorial Essays creation time to research and finally discusses the inheritance and development of the concept of the creation of the Pan Memorial Essays previous generation literature .

    本章首先探讨了潘岳哀诔文的主题 类型风格 特征,然后对潘岳哀诔文的创作时间进行了考证,最后论述了潘岳诔文的创作观及其对前代文学的继承与发展。

  • Change requirement type color and style

    更改需求 类型颜色和 风格

  • It will give rise to the important influence to aroma type and style quality and volume of aroma when the content of chromoplast pigments and its degrading products achieves certain level with coordinating balance in the flue-cured tobacco .

    当烤烟中质体色素及降解物之间的含量达到一定水平和协调平衡时,将对烤烟的 香型 风格和香气质、香气量产生重要影响。

  • During the development of the style at first it has a stylar canal i. e. the open type style but later the stylar canal disappear and it becomes a special solid style .

    花柱在发育初期为开放 ,发育后期花柱道消失,成为一种具特殊结构的闭合型。

  • If it is a headline or subhead style you will want a body type style to follow .

    如果是标题或下级标题样式,将需要跟随正文 样式

  • Egyptian : Type style recognizable by its heavy square serif .

    埃及体:一 字体 款式。它有着方形衬线,容易辨认。

  • Here we introduce a new type structure style bearing plate which will be applied widely in engineering field .

    介绍一种将能在工程领域获得广泛应用的 新型的结构 垫板。

  • New Chinese & style Furniture design and modern living space must also be elements such as style of housing construction housing size type and style of modern furnishings fit .

    新中式家具的设计还必须与现代居住空间要素如住房建筑风格、住房面积大小、现代陈设 种类 格调相适应。

  • Capitalize the first letter capitalize or italicize the entire mark place the mark in quotes use a different type style or font for the mark than for the generic name .

    首字母用大写,整个商标用大写或斜体,将商标放在引号内,为商标使用与通用名不同的 字型或字体。