two-component system


  • We obtain an appropriate formula to express the effective electrical conductivity for a two-component materials system which are composed of strongly nonlinear inclusions and linear host using this approximation formula we calculate results agreement with the experimental .

    对于由强非线性杂质和线性基质 组成 复合材料,利用 定理得到有效电导率的近似公式.计算的结果与实验结果符合较好。

  • Construction of Mutants of Helicobacter pylori with Two-component System ArsRS

    幽门螺杆菌ArsRS 系统基因突变株的构建

  • The Correlation Model of Refractive index Component and Temperature in Two-component System and It 's Application


  • A new way to acquire vapour and liquid phase equilibrium composition of two-component liquid system

    获取 气液相平衡组成的新方法

  • The cytokinin receptors belong to the family of histidine protein kinases they are two-component signaling system components .

    植物细胞分裂素受体属于组氨酸蛋白激酶家族,是 信号 系统的组分。

  • A signal transduction via not only two-component regulatory system but also serine / threonine kinases generally regulates morphological and physiological differentiation in Streptomyces .

    途经 元件调控 系统和丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶的信号传导调控链霉菌的形态和生理分化。

  • Using variational method we also discuss the ground-state phase transition of the two-component system and obtain the critical coupling line analytically .

    运用变分方法,我们也调查了混合气体在 基态的量子相变情况,并获得了 系统的临界相变线。

  • Solving the Boltzmann equation for two-component system by relaxation ap-proximation the non-equilibrium distribution function of binary mixed gases is determined .

    应用弛豫近似法求解 的玻耳兹曼方程,确定了二元气体的非平衡分布函数,从而导出了热扩散过程的线性唯象关系。

  • DTA Studies of Phase Diagrams of the Two-component Condensed System of Benzoic Acid-Naphthalene

    苯甲酸-萘二 凝聚 系统相图的差热分析法

  • In this paper recent advances were reviewed in the synthetic methods for the three nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds then it was divided into three parts for the study of their synthetic methods : The first part studied the synthetic method of 2 aryl imidazoles in the two-component system .

    本论文首先综述了这三种化合物的合成研究进展。然后分三部分研究了它们的合成方法:第一部分研究了 系统中2三取代芳基咪唑的合成方法。

  • Roles of the EnvZ / OmpR two-component system in response to various stresses were investigated with mutational analysis quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR ( qRT-PCR ) .

    同时通过突变分析、定量逆转录聚合酶链反应(qRT-PCR)研究了 EnvZ/OmpR 系统在应对渗透压力中的作用。

  • Based on the modeling of refractive index component and temperature in the cyclohexane-alcohol two-component system a method was discussed for determining the component of two-component system rapidly and accurately .

    以环己烷-乙醇 液系的折光率测定为例,探讨建立 折光率-组成-温度关系模型,用以快速、准确测定双液系组成的方法。

  • RcsC-RcsB two-component system can stimulate the expression of cps ( capsule polysaccharide synthesis ) genes in Escherichia coli forming a sticky capsule in cell surface which associates with pathogenesis .

    大肠杆菌(escherichiacoli)通过 信号传导 体系 RcsC-RcsB能够激活cps(capsulepolysaccharidesynthesis)基因群,在细胞表面形成一层粘性的保护性荚膜,使大肠杆菌具有较强的致病性。

  • The Distilled Ways of Two-Component System and the Analysis of the Distillate Composition ;


  • Advances in the research on two-component regulatory system agr and its interaction with other two-component systems in Staphylococcus aureus

    金黄色葡萄球菌中 调控 系统agr及与其他二元系统相互作用的研究进展

  • It indicated that there may be another arsenite-binding protein involved in bacterial sensing and regulating besides the two-component signaling system containing sensor proteins and regulated protein .

    预示细菌的砷感应调控除了受到感应蛋白和调控蛋白 系统作用之外还可能有一个砷结合蛋白的参与。

  • The results show the method is feasible and effective for direct-determining the component of two-component system .

    实验结果表明,直接用拟合的关系模型确定 组成是有效而可行的。

  • Shortcut method for batch distillation of binary mixture under constant distillate composition The Distilled Ways of Two-Component System and the Analysis of the Distillate Composition

    二元混合物恒馏出液组成间歇精馏的捷算法 的蒸馏方法及馏出液组成的分析

  • Bioinformatics Analysis on Two-component System in Streptomyces avermitilis

    阿维链霉菌 信号 系统的生物信息学分析

  • Researches show that two-component signaling system involves in transduction and transmission of plant hormone ( ethylene cytokinin ) osmosis and light signals .

    研究表明 信号 系统参与植物对激素(乙烯、细胞分裂素)、渗透和光信号的转导和传递。

  • The Two-component System in the Plant Signal Transduction

    植物信号转导中的 体系

  • Protein Phosphorylation and Two-component System

    蛋白磷酸化与 信号 系统

  • Therefore we believe that ArsRS two-component system may be associated with H pylori resistance to some extent .

    因此,我们认为 ArsRS 系统可能与HPylori耐药有一定关系。

  • An empirical operation in the experiment of Two-component Liquid System Phase Diagram expressed theoretically

    相图实验中经验操作的 数学表达 、末日意识

  • By application of the formula indicated and special limiting condition the conclusion of only one degree of freedom with two-component azeotropic system can be obtained .

    运用上述公式和特殊限制条件,同样得出 只有一个自由度的结论。

  • The signal transduction system of cyanobacteria is constituted of two-component signal transduction system and eukaryotic-type serine / threonine kinases .

    蓝藻信号转导系统主要包括 信号转导 系统和丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶。蓝藻全基因组测序工作的完成为蓝藻信号转导系统的研究奠定了基础。

  • Bulgaricus is used as sample to make functional analysis of two-component system HPK1 / RR1 for revealing the role in the regulation of acid resistance and adherence .

    本论文以德氏乳杆菌保加利亚亚种CH3为实验材料,对该菌的 系统HPK1/RR1进行功能分析,旨在揭示其在耐酸和粘附调节中的作用。

  • In prokaryote and eukaryote the organisms can sense and respond the external environment through a two-component signaling system ( TCS ) .

    研究表明在原核和真核生物中都存在着一种 细胞分裂素 信号 系统,生物体可以通过此 系统感知外界环境的刺激并作出应答反应。