


  • You will probably attract lots of partners but if you think that you can two-time you will face some very unsavory reactions from the partners you choose to play with this week .

    射手座:本周会吸引很多伙伴,但是如果你有 欺骗行为的话就会面对难以应付的反映。

  • Two-time Grand Slam champion Li Na 's agent Max Eisenbud denied on Wednesday rumors that the Chinese star would retire during the upcoming Asian season .


  • Eli : how does it feel to be a two-time All-Star in the minor leagues ?

    作者: 参加小联盟明星赛的感觉是怎麽

  • The experimental results indicate that the effect of two-time separation is better than that of one-time separation .

    实验表明, 旋流的效果优于一次旋流效果。

  • In addition to Robles other top rivals include Americans David Oliver and Terrence Trammell the latter a two-time Olympic silver medalist in the event .

    除了罗伯斯之外,其他顶级竞争者包括美国的大卫-奥利佛和特伦斯-特拉梅尔,后者是 奥运会银牌得主。

  • A Model for Fertilization of Nitrogen-Phosphor-Kalium in Potato Planted in the Small Plastic Greenhouse in the Central Plains with Two-time Crops

    中原二季作区 早春拱棚马铃薯氮磷钾施肥模式研究

  • Which city joined London and Paris as the only two-time hosts in 1984 after host-ing its first Olympic Games ?


  • A decentralized two-time scale control algorithm for multivariable systems in which the response time contrast of different channels is notable was presented .

    针对不同通道的过程动态响应速度具有显著差异的多变量系统,提出了一种基于时 分解 时标分散控制方法。

  • The baseball star a two-time MVP award winner made his last public appearance in baseball field in the1999 All-Star Game at Fenway Park .

    这位 两度入选最有价值球员的棒球明星,最后一次在球场公开露面,是一九九九年参加在芬威公园举行的明星赛。

  • The men's2002 Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin of Russia and two-time World Champion Stephane Lambiel of Canada will also hit the ice with Zhao and Shen .

    其它和申雪赵宏博一起表演的还有02冬奥会冠军来自俄罗斯的阿列克谢? 亚古丁以及 届世锦赛金牌得主加拿大选手兰比尔。

  • Analysis of two-time prestressing construction of aqueduct with large wall-beams

    大型墙梁式渡槽 预应力施工过程分析研究

  • The two-time World Player of the Year and an international celebrity was accused of being distracted by bars and discos .

    这位 获得世界足球先生的国际明星被指控由于酒吧和迪斯科而分散了注意力。

  • Huang is a two-time Asian champion over the distance and also won the Asian Games title in Doha Qatar in2006 .

    黄潇潇 曾经 赢得过亚洲冠军,并在2006年多哈亚运会上 获得过金牌。

  • Two-time world 400 metres hurdles champion Kerron Clement said his first impression of the London wasn 't that favourable .


  • The25-year-old two-time scoring champion was acquired from Orlando in a multi-player deal that included Francis and Mobley .

    这名25岁的 得分王是用几名休斯顿的球员(其中包括弗朗西斯和莫布里)从奥兰多交换来的。

  • The writer is a political commentator and a two-time candidate for the Republican nomination for president

    本文作者是政治评论员, 获得共和党总统候选人提名

  • Team Sanya skipper and two-time Volvo Ocean Race winner Mike Sanderson said it took just a five-week trial for Tiger to prove he was the man who would fulfil his search for the Yao Ming of sailing .

    三亚号船长也是 沃尔沃比赛冠军的麦克桑德森表示,5个星期的训练中证明他已经找到了堪称帆船中姚明的人选。

  • The other big mainstream party led by her rival Nawaz sharif another two-time prime minister is also in disarray .

    她的对手同样曾任 总理的纳瓦兹。谢里夫率领的另一大主流政党,也是乱得一塌糊涂。

  • The Koreans face two-time world champions Argentina African heavyweights Nigeria and Euro 2004 champions Greece in the group stage of the World Cup .

    在世界杯小组赛中,韩国队将对阵 世界杯冠军得主阿根廷队,非洲重量级球队尼日利亚队,还有2004年欧锦赛冠军希腊队。

  • Furthermore she was highly regarded during the two-time selection of the Star of Xianhua held at Xianhua Foreign Language School .

    另外,在至今仙华外国语学校所举行的全部 仙华之星”评选中,她都备受好评,榜上有名。

  • Wall Streeters say the two other candidates who are considered in the mix for the job former investment banker and two-time second Erskine Bowles and BlackRock ( BLK ) CEO Larry Fink would be preferable to Lew .

    华尔街人士称,相对于卢,他们更倾向于另外两名候选人,前投资银行家、 两度成为第二人选的厄斯金·鲍尔斯和黑石集团(BlackRock)CEO拉里·芬克。

  • Then the Phoenix Suns have had one of the most talented offensive teams led by two-time MVP award winner Steve Nash .

    接着,菲尼克斯太阳是被 MVP史蒂夫纳什领导的史上最富天赋的进攻球队。

  • Zou 's victory fulfills four years of high expectations for the two-time world champion whose bronze medal in Athens was China 's first in a sport long banned by Mao .

    对这个 世界冠军来说,邹市明的胜利实现了四年的期望,他在雅典获得的铜牌是中国在拳击项目上的首枚奥运会奖牌。

  • The two-time Olympian has only a10 % chance of competing in Tuesday 's finals .

    这位 两度参加奥运会的体操好手参加星期二决赛的可能性只有10%。

  • IOC President Samaranch presented gold medals to the two-time Olympic champion Deng Yaping who later become a member of the IOC 's Athletes Commission .

    国际奥委员会主席萨马兰奇给 荣获奥运冠军的邓亚萍颁奖,邓亚萍在后来成为了国际奥委员会运动员委员会的成员。

  • American alpine skier Bode Miller 32 is a four-time world champion and two-time overall World Cup champion .

    美国高山滑雪运动员博迪·米勒曾赢得过4次世界冠军和 2 世界杯冠军。