


  • While talk of kicking Greece out of the eurozone and pursuing a two-speed Europe may score some political points it doesn 't reflect the reality of today 's interconnected European economy .

    嘴上说说将希腊赶出欧元区,说说双 欧洲可能会获得政治加分,但其实脱离了当今欧洲各国经济相互依存的现实。

  • Compare the influence of the fixed-gear program and two-speed program on regenerative braking energy .

    对比仿真结果分析了固定档与 传动系统方案对再生制动能量回收的影响。

  • There are very good reasons why successive prime ministers of different political parties have always opposed a two-speed Europe .

    来自不同党派的历任英国首相始终反对 欧洲 局面,这也是有充分理由的。

  • They did . But this spawned another mantra : the two-speed world in which emerging markets surged even as the advanced nations stagnated .

    而这又催生了另一个口头禅: 世界,即发达国家经济停滞之际,新兴经济体仍高速增长。

  • The biggest danger is that the euro crisis will lead to a two-speed Europe that fractures the single market .

    最严重的危险在于,欧元区危机将造就一个 欧洲 ,撕裂欧洲单一市场。

  • The draught fan comprises a two-speed motor of resisting high temperature and high humidity working environment .

    它包括一耐高温高湿工作环境的 电机;

  • There is a reason why successive British governments of both parties have opposed a two-speed Europe : we did not want to be excluded from power in the continent to which we belong .

    英国历届政府(无论是 保守党政府还是 工党政府)都反对双 欧洲,这是有原因的:我们不希望在自己身处的大洲被排除在权力之外。

  • The IEA blamed the cut on an increasingly problematic economic backdrop but said that emerging countries ' oil consumption growth would remain robust . A two-speed outlook prevails it said .

    IEA表示,下调预测的原因在于日趋成问题的经济背景,但表示新兴国家的石油消费增长仍将保持强劲,一种 的前景日渐明显。

  • The solution to the euro crisis to be put in place this week will set in stone a two-speed Europe .

    本周即将出台的欧元危机解决方案 必然造成一个以 双重 速度 行驶的欧洲。

  • To reduce parasitic power consumption some systems use the low speed of a two-speed fan .

    为了减少寄生能量消耗,一些系统运用 风扇的低速。

  • Travelling between Europe and Asia I continue to see the emergence of a two-speed world .

    由于 经常来往于欧亚之间,我不断看到一个 世界的出现。

  • Analysis and comparison were made as to the similarities and differences of gasoline automobile transient emission under conditions of speeding up and that of two-speed idle .

    考察和比较了汽油汽车加速工况瞬态排放与 怠速稳态排放的共性与差别。

  • Exerting data combination and data correct theory of two-speed shaft angle converter it researches a new type two-speed processor based on shaft angle conversion monolithic of RD-19230 .

    运用 轴角转换原理中的数据组合与数据纠错原理,基于轴角转换芯片RD-19230,研究一种新型的双速处理器。

  • The multi-function power head driven by two-speed double hydraulic motors is adopted to improve the adaptability of the rig .

    采用 、双液压马达驱动的多功能动力头,提高了钻机的适应能力;

  • A two-speed world – emerging markets growth and an anaemic recovery in developed markets – is not new .

    世界, 速度&新兴市场高速增长和发达国家疲软复苏,这种现象并不新鲜。

  • The share of UK homes being purchased entirely with cash has risen to a record high of more than a third underscoring the two-speed housing recovery and casting doubt on fears of a new debt-fuelled bubble .

    英国全款买房的比例已达到超过三分之一的创纪录水平,凸显房产市场的 复苏,并给有关债务催生新泡沫的担忧带来问号。

  • The former could give carte blanche to debtors to run up deficits ; the latter might perpetuate a two-speed Europe .

    前者等于给了债务国一张空白支票,导致其赤字增加;后者可能使双 欧洲的状况延续下去。

  • The designs of circuitry and softwares of intellectual two-speed magne - switch are discussed in this paper .

    阐述了 磁力起动器智能化的电路设计和软件。

  • Even if the boom persists Australia must wrestle with a two-speed economy .

    即便繁荣得以延续,澳大利亚也必须对付一个 双重 速度的经济体。

  • It has been my view for some time that we are living in a two-speed world .

    一段时间以来,我一直认为我们生活在一个 世界里。

  • Both will be providing high-speed two-speed two-way digital video service as well as ordinary phone service .

    因为他们都提供高速、 双工、数字影像服务,同时也提供普通的电话服务。

  • Economical analysis of two-speed reformation and parallel operation of water circulating pumps

    循环水泵 改造并联运行经济性分析

  • A two-speed property market is hardly unique to China .

    房地产 双轨 市场绝不是中国特有的 现象

  • Design for Two-Speed Processor Based on RD-19230

    基于RD-19230设计的 处理器设计

  • EXTREME PRESSURE PERFORMANCE OF BORATE-ORGANIC COMPLEX LIKE LUBRICANTS IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION ; Research on Performance Matching of Two-speed Hydraulic Chassis for Wheeled Milling Machine

    硼酸盐有机物复配在水溶液中的极压性能研究轮式铣刨机 液压底盘性能匹配研究

  • The Rover-designed two-speed transfer box shares a common case with the four-speed manual gearbox and has a vacuum-operated centre differential .

    Rover设计的 转移系统与四速手动变速箱一样使用同一个箱子,并有一个真空操作中心的细微差别。

  • Magnetic amplifier two-speed servosystem

    磁放大器 伺服系统

  • Research on Performance Matching of Two-speed Hydraulic Chassis for Wheeled Milling Machine

    轮式铣刨机 液压底盘性能匹配研究